Microcarriers are small particles, made of materials such as cellulose,
dextran, glass, collagen, or gelatin. Generally, they have a spherical shape
and present a surface structure and composition that promotes cell adhe-
sion and growth.
The first culture of cells on microcarriers was developed by van Wezel
in the 1960s (van Wezel, 1967), using DEAE-Sephadex
50 gel beads
originally designed as ion-exchange chromatography beads. The first
product to be produced industrially using microcarriers (an inactivated
polio vaccine) was developed by van Wezel himself several years later.
Nowadays, the main industrial use of microcarriers is in the production of
vaccines, but also of gene therapy vectors, recombinant proteins, and
mAbs. In the literature, there are reports of culture scale-up to 6000 L for
Vero cells cultivated on Cytodex
carriers (GE Healthcare, 2006). Figure
9.8 (see color section) shows Vero cells growing on microcarriers.
The materials used in the manufacture of microcarrriers are porous but,
depending on the pore dimensions, the carriers can be classified as
macroporous and microporous. The latter, also designated ‘‘solid’’ by
some authors, have diameters that are too small to allow cells to penetrate
the pores. Cell growth, in this case, is restricted to the carrier surface. On
the other hand, macroporous microcarriers, also simply designated ‘‘por-
ous’’ by some authors, have pores in the range of 10–400 m, allowing
cells to grow inside the pores. Generally, cell concentration inside or on
the porous matrices is in the range between 0.5 3 10
and 5 3 10
cells per
mL of microcarrier.
Most microporous microcarriers have a bead diameter of 90–300 m.
The cells grow on the surface of the beads, forming an attached mono-
layer, which may be susceptible to eventual collision of beads and to the
resulting mechanical damage. These microcarriers have densities of ap-
proximately 1.02–1.04 g cm
, which is slightly higher than that of the
culture medium. Thus, they can be maintained in suspension at low
agitation speeds. Furthermore, since their diameter is relatively large, the
carriers settle down easily when agitation is stopped, facilitating harvesting
of cell-free supernatant.
In the case of macroporous microcarriers, they consist of particles in the
range of 0.4–5 mm, which present internal cavities that allow cell growth
inside the carriers. This type of microcarrier was developed with the
purpose of allowing tridimensional cell growth and attaining high cell
densities. The tridimensional growth favors the action of growth factors
produced by the cells themselves, decreasing the serum requirements and
facilitating the use of serum-free or protein-free media. The high cell
concentration makes the cell population more stable and increases culture
longevity, making macroporous microcarriers an interesting alternative for
long-term cultures. Additionally, their structure protects the cells from
shear damage in stirred systems.
There are several manufacturers of microcarriers for animal cell culture,
providing products with different chemical composition, size, form, and
density. Table 9.2 shows a list of common commercially available micro-
carriers and their manufacturers.
Bioreac tors for animal cells 229