slowly metabolized sugar, and this caused a decrease in the generation of
lactic acid, as well as an increase in cell viability and product formation.
Another active research field is the optimization of intracellular meta-
bolic reactions to decrease the production of toxic metabolites through
metabolic engineering strategies. An example is the introduction of the
glutamine synthetase (GS) gene into NS0 cells, that do not have this
activity, or into CHO cells, that have a low endogenous GS activity.
GS catalyzes the formation of glutamine from glutamate, allowing cells
to grow in a medium with low concentrations of glutamine or no
glutamine at all. The introduction of this gene leads to a considerable
decrease in ammonia levels in the cultures, resulting in a significant
increase in maximum cell concentration and prolonged duration of the
stationary phase. As a consequence, final product concentration and
volumetric productivity are increased (Bebbington et al., 1992). This
approach has been applied industrially for both cell lines – NS0 and
A disadvantage of fed-batch culture is the long residence time of the
product in the culture environment. A product molecule, secreted at the
early phase of the process, remains inside the bioreactor for the whole
duration of the culture, in the presence of proteases and glycosidases
(Goochee and Monica, 1990). Since the product of interest is generally a
protein (usually a glycoprotein), these enzymes may degrade the product
and, in some cases, destroy an important fraction of the active material
that is synthesized. For that reason, molecules that are unstable at the
culture temperature or prone to enzymatic cleavage should not be pro-
duced by fed-batch cultures.
The most important characteristic of the fed-batch mode is the fact that,
in spite of its more complex operation compared with batch cultures, the
productivity is increased significantly. Furthermore, when compared with
perfusion operation, the runs are considerably shorter, making process
validation easier. For this reason, a relatively large number of biotechnolo-
gical companies have developed their production processes based on this
technology (Chu and Robinson, 2001).
In summary, the main technological features of this operation mode are:
(i) moderate operational complexity;
(ii) moderate contamination risks;
(iii) intermediate volumetric productivity;
(iv) long residence time of product in the bioreactor;
(v) process optimization possible basically through manipulation of
medium composition, feeding strategy, and harvesting time;
(vi) applied in industrial processes at scales up to 20 000 L.
9.4.3 Continuous cultivation
Continuous cultivation is used mainly in research and development
activities, at small scales. It is characterized by a continuous feed of fresh
medium and a continuous removal of cell suspension, both at the same
flow rate, and at constant bioreactor volume.
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