34 Thin film growth
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a hypothetical pair of spectra from lms of two different thicknesses that
happen to show a quantum-well peak at the same binding energy. In this
case, k
(E) and the phase shift are the same for the peaks in both spectra,
but they will have different quantum numbers n. The thickness of the lm
is also quantized to an integer number of layers N. By writing Eq. 2.1 once
for each of the two lms, the system can be solved for f(E) and k
(E) for the
energy of the peak. In fact, this is a way of determining the band structure as
well as the phase shift as a function of energy (Mueller, Miller et al. 1990,
Mueller, Samsavar et al. 1989). A(N) involves all of the lled states, not
only those as seen in normal emission, but also those with non-zero parallel
components of momenta as well. That is, there is a set of discrete subbands
each with continuous k
and k
. generally, a consideration of the entire three-
dimensional band structure is needed. Figure 2.7(b) shows calculated results
for D (N), using a realistic band structure (Smith and Mattheiss 1974). Only
the nearly-free-electron-like sp bands are included – Ag also has a set of
more deeply bound d states as part of its valence band structure, but these
do not cross the Fermi level and are completely lled. The results can be
compared to the measured stability temperatures. Two features stand out:
the calculation, like the experimental results, shows signicant and non-
monotonic variations as a function of lm thickness, and also reproduces
the relatively high stability of lms with N = 2 and N = 5. experimentally,
a single monolayer is also very stable. The calculation does not extend to
this thickness, however, because A(0) is undened. Physically, for a single
monolayer to bifurcate it must leave half of the substrate area bare. Bonding
of Ag to the Fe surface might be expected to be stronger than Ag to itself,
based on the fact that it does tend to wet the Fe surface. This would tend to
stabilize the single monolayer without respect to quantum-well effects.
These results clearly show an important role for the valence electrons
in the stability of lms, even for metallic bonding where the states are
distributed throughout. The extreme stability of particular thicknesses (such
as the 5 ML one here) suggests that, for applications, these effects need to
be considered and may be useful. Atomically uniform lms were created
in these studies by a fairly cumbersome procedure; however, it was noted
in experiments that a 5 ML lm could readily be created by desorbing a
thicker lm simply by heating. For these fundamental studies, the uniform
lms allow a simple theoretical treatment. The experimental fact that the
lms break down rst by bifurcation also helps – the nal system can be
regarded as essentially two samples with different thicknesses but still each
with atomic uniformity. In general, life may be more complicated, with
the formation of many different thicknesses, or clusters where lateral QSE
and surface energies would have to be considered along with the detailed
geometries of the constituent parts.
The sp band of Ag is generally nearly-free-electron-like near the Fermi
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