23Quantum electronic stability of atomically uniform films
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011
Next, measurements of quantum stability of some thin lm systems will be
presented. This will lead into a discussion of the general principles of thin
lm stability and their application to nanostructure development. Mostly this
is based on a simple picture of electronic quantization akin to the ‘particle-
in-a-box’ problem of elementary quantum mechanics. However, a section is
devoted to systems where the basic quantization conditions are modied by,
for example, specic substrate physical and electronic structures. Finally,
we speculate on what directions future research might be expected to take.
2.2 Electronic growth
Valence electrons are responsible for the bonding of the atoms or molecules
that make up a crystalline solid. In the case of a covalently bonded solid, it
is intuitive that the nature of the valence states would exert a dominant role
in the growth of a thin lm just as they do in the formation of a molecule,
via directional bonds and the lling of chemical orbitals, starting right from
bonding with the substrate. For a metallic overlayer, however, of all the
myriad factors inuencing lm growth, the valence electronic states of the
overlayer would perhaps seem to be at most a minor factor. Considering the
delocalized states of the metallic bond gives rise to a picture of lm growth
where kinetics, such as the lm/substrate lattice match and efciency of
packing, and bulk thermodynamic properties, such as surface tension and
melting point, are the driving forces shaping lm morphology. Electronic
effects due to the quantization of states by the boundaries of a smooth lm
have been discussed for some time, but their impact on lm properties, if
any, would be mitigated by a variety of effects, including loss of coherence
due to lattice mismatch and defects, and in any event would eventually
become irrelevant for lms thicker than a few monolayers (Feibelman
1983, Feibelman and Hamann 1984). Experiment has shown, however,
that this is not the case for well-ordered thin lms of nanoscale thickness,
where electronic effects can have a dramatic impact on thin lm properties
including surface reactivity (Danese, Curti et al. 2004, Zhang, Zhang et al.
2008), work function (Paggel, Wei et al. 2002), superconductivity (Guo,
Zhang et al. 2004), and surface energy and thermal stability (Czoschke,
hong et al. 2005). Coherent electronic behavior has also been observed in
lms thicker than 100 monolayers and even across a mismatched substrate/
lm boundary (Paggel, Miller et al. 1999b, Speer, Tang et al. 2006). It
is so that quantum-electronic inuences on metallic lm growth would
be expected to diminish with increasing thickness, but they are of direct
importance for practical applications as thicknesses of interest continue to
shrink, and indirectly for all deposited lms inasmuch as they start off as
nanolms where quantum effects should be considered in the establishment
of the initial growth modes.
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