6 Thin fi lm growth
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011
where K
= K
), I
= I
). The step velocity is obtained as the sum
of the adatom uxes from inner and outer terraces:
where K
= K
), and I
= I
) are the modi ed Bessel functions
of order 1 (Finnie and Homma, 2000b).
1.3 Observation method of atomic steps
For the observation of atomic steps on growing surfaces, we employed in-situ
SEM. Atomic steps can be observed with a conventional SEM instrument,
but the contrast is so faint that it is easily hidden by the contamination of the
surface due to electron irradiation during SEM imaging. We used an ultrahigh
vacuum SEM instrument equipped with Knudsen cells for molecular beam
epitaxy (Homma et al., 1994). The secondary electron detector was set to
the side of the specimen in parallel to the axis of the specimen stage tilting.
The primary electron beam of 25 keV was incident at a grazing incidence,
5–30° to the surface, to enhance the sensitivity to the atomic scale surface
structures. In this article, the primary electron beam was incident from the
bottom direction of each image. The image foreshortening due to oblique
incidence is corrected in most images. The atomic steps appear bright when
the primary electron beam goes down the atomic step staircase, while they
appear dark when the primary electron beam goes up the staircase (Homma et
al., 1991). Another factor in uencing the atomic step contrast is the location
of the secondary electron detector (Homma et al., 1993b). When the primary
electron beam goes parallel to the atomic steps, the atomic steps appear
bright when the steps are facing the detector. Conversely, they appear dark
when they face away from the detector. Those are topographic contrasts of
atomic steps, which are similar to macroscopic scale step contrasts, and can
be used for imaging of steps as small as the monatomic layer of the crystal.
This observation method is used in Section 1.4.
an entirely different type of contrast can be used for atomic step imaging.
This is the surface phase contrast utilizing surface phase transition. In the
following, we explain the 7 ¥ 7–1 ¥ 1 contrast on Si(111) surfaces.
a clean Si(111) surface in ultrahigh vacuum takes a long range ordered
structure, the 7 ¥ 7 reconstruction, at below the transition temperature
(~860°C) (Florio and Robertson, 1970). The 7 ¥ 7 reconstruction starts to
occur at the atomic step edge during cooling from a high temperature. In
SEM images, a 7 ¥ 7 domain appears brighter than a 1 ¥ 1 domain without
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