336 Thin fi lm growth
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011
By neglecting the asymmetry of the structure, it can be set that w
~ w
+ H/2. The initial internal stress can then be determined using the following
Crystalline materials being less compliant than polymers, the mechanical
properties of the lm can be characterized from the geometric parameters of
the buckles with a better precision. Buckling induced by substrate crystalline
plasticity is thus a good way to estimate the adhesion energy and the initial
internal stress.
13.5 Conclusions
In this chapter dedicated to thin lm buckling phenomena, it has been shown
that buckling can occur spontaneously or under the action of external forces.
Compressive tests carried out to induce buckling show that the nature of the
substrate plays a key role. For polymeric substrates, the buckling leads to
straight-sided buckles perpendicular to the applied stress. These structures can
be modelled analytically using the FvK theory of thin plates. However, it is
shown that the experimental and analytical onsets of buckling are different,
due to the adhesion energy neglected in the model, and that the experimental
shape is slightly modi ed by the compliance of the substrate.
Experiments carried out on crystalline substrates show the formation of
pseudo straight-sided buckles, shifted vertically on their edges, localized on
the steps formed by substrate plasticity. This shift modi es the analytical
model. It is shown that the critical stress for buckling is decreased on the area
of dislocation emergence explaining the localization of the buckles observed
experimentally. The model has been extended for all kinds of external and
initial internal stresses in the lm. All the solutions are displayed in Table
Finally, it is shown that compressive tests can be used to estimate the
adhesion energy and the internal stress from the difference between the
experimental and theoretical onsets of buckling and from the shape of the
buckles. Since it is dif cult to experimentally determine the mechanical
properties of thin lms, buckling induced by compression tests appears to
be a good way to characterize.
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