2.7. An ergodic theorem for collision patterns 79
With this notation, the transfer map is essentially given by the explicit formula
, except for an error of the order O(r
) on the free-path length from
obstacle to obstacle.
Proposition 2.6.3 (Caglioti–Golse [10, 11]). One has
), 0)
in the limit as r → 0
In fact, the proof of this proposition can be read on the figure above that
represents a generic collision pattern. The first component in the explicit formula
represents exactly 2r times the distance between the vertical segments that are
the projections of the diameters of the 4 obstacles on the vertical ordinate axis.
Obviously, the free-path length from obstacle to obstacle is the distance between
the corresponding vertical segments, minus a quantity of the order O(r) that is the
distance from the surface of the obstacle to the corresponding vertical segment.
On the other hand, the second component in the same explicit formula is
exact, as it relates impact parameters, which are precisely the intersections of the
infinite line that contains the particle path with the vertical segments correspond-
ing with the two obstacles joined by this particle path.
If we summarize what we have done so far, we see that we have solved our
first problem stated at the beginning of the present section, namely that of finding
a convenient way of coding the billiard flow in the periodic case and for space
dimension 2, for a.e. given direction v.
2.7 An ergodic theorem for collision patterns
It remains to solve the second problem, namely, to find a convenient way of aver-
aging the computation above so as to get rid of the dependence on the direction v.
Before going further in this direction, we need to recall some known facts
about the ergodic theory of continued fractions.
The Gauss map
Consider the Gauss map, which is defined on all irrational numbers in (0, 1) as
T :(0, 1) \ Q x −→ Tx =
∈ (0, 1) \ Q.
This Gauss map has the following invariant probability measure —found by
Gauss himself:
ln 2