The level of TMA produced can be used as an ‘index
of freshness,’ as the fish decays during storage on ice.
This illustrates how a volatile compound can be
classed as desirable, or as an off-odor, dependent on
its concentration.
Enzymatic and Chemical Degradation
0018 The metabolic processes in plants and animals, which
are critical in relation to their storage stability after
harvesting or after slaughter, involve a complex series
of enzyme-catalyzed chemical reactions (i.e., bio-
chemical reactions). These lead to deterioration of
food quality, and the process is normally referred to
as autolysis (i.e., self-destruction). The endogenous
enzymes causing autolysis are an integral part of the
plant or animal food – and any treatment to affect the
enzyme activity cannot be done without the possibil-
ity of affecting the food itself.
0019 Enzymatic and chemical reactions overlap in the
sense that the enzyme speeds up the chemical reac-
tion, but to such an extent that the reaction rate is not
significant in the absence of the enzyme. A ‘chemical
catalyst,’ e.g., a transition metal ion such as copper,
iron, or nickel, can cause a large increase in the rate,
but the reaction will normally proceed at a measur-
ably rate in the absence of the ‘chemical catalyst.’
Thus, the oxidation in air of fish oils is catalyzed by
copper ions, but the oxidation still proceeds measur-
ably in the absence of copper ions. In contrast, the
hydrolysis of fish oil occurs readily at room tempera-
ture when catalyzed by the enzyme lipase, but in
the absence of lipase, the hydrolysis does not occur
significantly, not even at 100
C (at pH 7).
0020 Enzymes are complex proteins, and their catalytic
action is related to the shapes taken up by the protein
chains. This shape is held together mainly by numer-
ous weak hydrogen bonds, and these can be weakened
and changed by processes such as heating, freezing, or
changing the pH. The result is a loss of catalytic
activity by the enzyme; however, for endogenous
enzymes, the effect of such treatments on the organo-
leptic qualities of the food must be considered. More
specific methods of inhibiting enzyme activity include
the use of specific enzyme inhibitors such as sulfur
dioxide and bisulfites, the use of competitive sub-
strates, or chelation of metals necessary for the
activity of the enzyme.
0021 The undesirable effects of enzyme-catalyzed reac-
tions (i.e., autolysis) can be prevented in principle,
but often, the effect on the food’s organoleptic quality
may not be acceptable.
0022 The major chemical components of foods, i.e.,
lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates, can undergo
chemical changes, whether enzyme-catalyzed or
not, which can influence the safety, organoleptic
quality, or nutritional quality of the food. The
major reactions involved are oxidation and hydroly-
sis, at least initially, but more complex chemical
changes may occur subsequently. These can result
in the production of rancidity and browning (i.e.,
discoloration) which are often undesirable (see
Figure 1).
0023In general terms, the chemical changes can:
0024produce new compounds – possibly with undesir-
able toxic or organoleptic properties
0025destroy food components of relevance to its
nutritional quality (e.g., vitamins) or organoleptic
quality (e.g., loss of color).
Some examples of enzymatic and chemical degrad-
ation mechanisms are discussed below, but reference
to Figure 1 will emphasize how these mechanisms are
interconnected, especially in cellular foods.
Enzymatic Degradation Mechanisms
0026As previously stated, fresh meat and fish deteriorate
in quality mainly for microbiological reasons when
stored at ambient or chill temperatures. Frozen
storage (e.g.,30
C) will prevent microbiological
growth, but enzyme activity may still proceed
0027Coldwater fish often show rapid autolysis when
stored chilled or on ice, and in this case, enzymatic
degradation mechanisms are as important as micro-
biological degradation mechanisms. This arises be-
cause coldwater fish live at temperatures near zero,
and their enzymes work efficiently in this temperature
range – hence, storage in ice, or at refrigeration tem-
perature, affords little reduction in temperature. This
contrasts with tropical fish where ice storage is effect-
ive in slowing down autolysis. (See Fish: Spoilage of
0028Thus, for coldwater fish (e.g., cod, haddock),
enzyme activity proceeds noticeably during chilled
storage, especially protease activity leading to protein
hydrolysis and resultant excessive softening of fish
tissue. This tissue breakdown encourages microbial
growth, especially involving the breakdown of sulfur
containing amino acids to volatile, foul smelling
thiols, and disulfides. The fish gut is the source of
very active proteases, and gutting of the fish is effect-
ive in slowing down this autolysis and so extending
the chill storage life. (See Fish: Processing.) Frozen
storage also slows down the enzyme activity, but for
gadoid fish, such as cod, haddock, and hake, enzyme
activity can convert trimethylamine oxide to
dimethylamine and formaldehyde, i.e.:
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