several plant oils (e.g., canola and flax) and, to a
lesser extent, in other plant oils, green leafy vege-
tables, soybeans, and nuts. The more polyunsaturated
long-chain n-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid
(EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), comprise
20–30% of the fatty acids in cold water fish (particu-
larly fatty fish such as herring, mackerel, fresh tuna,
sardines, salmon, eel), other marine animals, and in
oils extracted from the livers of fish which live in
warmer waters (e.g., cod). There are new sources of
EPA and DHA, made from single cell organisms,
which are available to the food industry to supple-
ment food. Most natural fats contain fatty acids in the
cis form, but a small number of trans fatty acids also
occur naturally, principally in meat and dairy prod-
ucts. The majority of the trans fatty acids in the diet
come from foods made with hydrogenated vegetable
oils. Generally, most fruits and vegetables contribute
insignificant amounts or no fat to our diets.
Dietary Importance
0004 The dietary importance of fatty acids is listed in
Figure 3.
Energy and Essential Fatty Acids
0005 In addition to contributing to the texture, flavor, and
aroma of foods, fatty acids are an important concen-
trated source of energy (9 kcal or 37 kJ g
) for most
cells in the body. Fat is a particularly important
energy source for infants and young children, and
restriction is associated with poor growth and
delayed development. Although the biological
importance is not completely clear, there is evidence
suggesting that individual fatty acids are oxidized,
metabolized, stored, and released at different rates.
Fat slows down the digestion of foods, thus con-
tributing to meal satiety. Dietary fat aids in the
absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins. Specific fatty
acids have important structural, biochemical, and
regulatory functions that are required for optimal
tissue function, growth, and repair. Insufficient con-
sumption of the dietary essential fatty acids (linoleic
and linolenic acid) results in a deficiency syndrome
characterized by immune dysfunction, infections,
scaly dermatitis, growth retardation, hair loss, throm-
bocytopenia, diarrhea, and poor wound healing.
Membrane and Cellular Function
0006Fatty acids, particularly PUFA, when consumed in the
diet, integrate into cell membrane lipids. Although
membranes can vary in their lipid content, most cell
membranes contain approximately 50% lipid and
50% protein. Phospholipids, the major lipid found
in cell membranes, are particularly high in long-
chain (18–26-carbon) PUFA. The type of fatty acid
incorporated into cell membranes is influenced by
dietary fatty acids. It can be assumed that all of the
n-6 and n-3 fatty acids found in cell membranes are
derived from dietary sources. Changing the relative
amount and type of PUFA in cell membranes has been
shown to affect many membrane-related functions
such as membrane fluidity, ion channel flow, trans-
porter activity, signal transduction, enzyme activity,
hormone binding, cell-receptor action, cell-to-cell
communication, release of mediators, and suscepti-
bility to microbial invasion and cancer.
Eicosanoid Synthesis
0007Linoleic acid and a-linolenic acid are substrates for
the synthesis of physiological regulators called eicosa-
noids. Eicosanoids include prostaglandins, prostacy-
clins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes. These ‘local
hormones’ are potent mediators of many biochemical
processes and play key roles in the regulation of blood
clots, blood pressure, blood lipid levels, immune
function, inflammation, pain and fever, and repro-
duction. The two major pathways for eicosanoid syn-
thesis are via the enzymes cyclooxygenase (produce
prostaglandins and thromboxanes) and lipooxygen-
ase (produce leukotrienes, hydroxyeicosatrienoic
acids, and lipoxins).
0008Dietary fat composition influences eicosanoid syn-
thesis by changing the supply of substrates for the
synthesis of the longer-chain n-3 and n-6 PUFA. Con-
suming large amount of linoleic acid increases the
quantity of arachidonic acid in cell membranes. Upon
activation, in a variety of cells, arachidonic acid is
converted to eicosanoids of the 2 series and leuko-
trienes of the 4 series. However, dietary a-linolenic
acid is converted to EPA in the membrane, and when
cells are activated, EPA is converted to eicosanoids of
the 3 series and leukotrienes of the 5 series. In general,
eicosanoids formed from n-3 PUFA oppose, or have
weaker effects than, eicosanoids formed from n-6
PUFA. In addition to competing as substrates for
cyclooxygenase, n-3 fatty acids can directly suppress
the activity of this enzyme. n-3 fatty acids also inhibit
D-6 and D-5 desaturase activity, reducing the synthe-
sis of arachidonic acid in the membrane. Indeed, it
has been shown that increasing the proportions of n-3
in relation to n-6 PUFAs in the diet decreases the
Source of essential fatty acids
Membrane structure & function
Gene regulation
Neurological and retinal
structure and function
Immune function
Disease prevention &
fig0003 Figure 3 Dietary importance of fatty acids.
2320 FATTY ACIDS/Dietary Importance