0045 The possibility of modifying fat quality and content
in the body and milk of ruminants can be conducted
genetically and nutritionally. In genetic terms cross-
breeding special species of cattle with famous domes-
tic lines is a popular route. For example, the Japanese
meat-cattle Wagyu has a high intramuscular fat
content (shown by marbling of the meat) and a high
ratio of MUFA to SFA. A second example of genetic
modulation in fatty acid composition in beef is cross-
breeding between domestic cattle and bison in the
USA, creating a new species which was called beefalo.
Beefalo meat has less total fat, less saturated fat, less
cholesterol and fewer calories in comparison with
domestic breeds of cattle. In milk fat there are large
differences between species of cattle, for example,
Holstein cattle produce low fat milk (3.2–3.5%),
Ayrshire and Brown Swiss give 3.9–4.0% fat and
the highest content of fat is in milk produced by
Guernsey and Jersey cows (4.6%). Milk fat and
meat content can be modified by nutrition. Fattening
young cattle on grass fields (extensive model) has
decreased fat content in carcass in comparison with
the intensive model of feeding mixtures with grass
and high level of grains. Feeding milk-cattle a mixed
ration with lower effective fiber reduces the fat con-
tent in milk. Similarly, supplementing the diet with
trans fatty acids to inhibit milk fat synthesis decreased
milk fat level.
004 6 In ruminants improving the profile of fatty acids
in the feed does not directly improve the profile
of fatty acids in products, whether milk or meat.
In normal conditions cows only ingest 2.5–3%
of fatty acids in dry matter in their daily feed ration.
Fatty acids are delivered by triacylglycerides, galacto-
lipids, and phospholipids by ruminal microbial lipase
activity, and are modified to stearic acid. This form is
available in the intestine. Unsaturated fatty acids
from feed are biohydrogenated in the rumen to the
saturated acid form and fat in the ruminant’s body
(tallow) are highly saturated. The fat of ruminant
milk content compared to other fats has a high degree
of short-chain fatty acids. The precursors of fatty
acids in the rumen are carbohydrates which produce
volatile fatty acids: acetate, propionate, and butyrate.
Using a fresh grass feed in cows’ nutrition could
modify the content of healthy fatty acids in meat,
giving a decrease in SFA, increased intake of omega-
3 fatty acids and CLA. Studies have shown that the
ratio between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids is
decreased from 4:1 to 2.3:1 in the meat of cattle fed
grass. A similar effect is observed in milk cows fed
grass; the content of CLA was three or five times
higher then in ruminants fed grain diets. The final
way of modifying fatty acids in milk is to use pro-
tected fatty acids before rumen degradation.
Seealso: Eggs:DietaryImportance; Fats:Usesinthe
Fatty Acids:Properties;Metabolism;Gamma-linolenic
HealthEffects; Poultry:Chicken
Further Reading
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