(chlorophyll chlorophyllide hydrolase, EC3.1.1.14).
The enzyme is located in the lipid envelope of the
thylakoid membranes as an intrinsic membrane glyco-
protein. Although chlorophyllase activity increases
during ripening of some fruits and vegetables and
parallels the respiratory climacteric, it is not affected
by the endogenous ethylene. The enzyme activity
remains even during storage and after processing of
some plant products such as green tea. Generally,
enzyme activity reaches a maximum at both the begin-
ning and end of the vegetative growth phase.
0009 Small amounts of chlorophyllide a and b can
be found during the initial growth period, which
coincides with a phase of great chlorophyll synthesis.
Later, the synthetic and degeneration mechanisms
may overlap, making the detection of phytyl-free
compounds impossible. In ripening fruits and vege-
tables, the presence of allomerized chlorophyll de-
rivatives suggests that, in addition to dephytylation
by chlorophyllase, chlorophylls can be degraded by
other oxidative systems involving active oxygen.
0010 A chlorophyllide a-degrading enzyme is present in
green tissues. It catalyzes the breakdown of chloro-
phyllide a in the presence of H
and 2,4-dichloro-
0011 Biochemical conversion of chlorophylls to pheo-
phytins or pheophorbides is initiated by the coordin-
ating function of Mg-dechelatase (the enzyme
catalyzes dechelation of Mg ion from chlorophyllins
to form different pheophytins) and decarbometh-
oxylase. It is evident from the occurrence of 13-2-
hydroxy-chlorophylls, hydroxy-lactone-chlorophylls,
and unknown intermediates in fresh or stored green-
colored plant products that more than one enzyme
system is involved in the chlorophyll degradation
0012 Of the biological oxidants, lipoxygenase
(EC1.12.13.11) contributes to the oxidative degrad-
ation of chlorophyll. The enzyme is well known to
have pigment-bleaching activity of its isoenzyme-
1 and isoenzyme-2, with the former being more
active. Lipoxygenase cooxidizes chlorophylls through
the oxidation of 1,2-pentadiene containing unsatur-
ated fatty acids and results in the rapid formation
of free radicals and, in the presence of molecular
oxygen, in the creation of very reactive peroxy rad-
icals. The results of many biochemical studies con-
firm that the chlorophyll-bleaching reaction requires
an intermediate formed during peroxidation of poly-
unsaturated fatty acids by the isoenzyme. This type
of degradation is responsible for the low storage
stability of a variety of plant products. Furthermore,
lipoxygenase-catalyzed chlorophyll bleaching is a
characteristic change in some legumes and cereal
0013Due to various bioconversions of chlorophylls, the
dephytylated polar intermediates, chlorophyllides,
pheophorbides, and probably hydroxy chlorophylls
appear and disappear during the ripening and storage
of food commodities. The results of several investi-
gations suggest that chlorophyll is first degraded to
chlorophyllide by chlorophyllase, followed by oxida-
tive degradation by peroxidase, lipoxygenase, or
chlorophyll oxidase. The simultaneous action of
dechelase may raise the diversity of chlorophyll ex-
tract by producing the corresponding Mg-free deriva-
tives of the aforementioned chlorophyll degradation
products. It should be noted that further degradation
of chlorophylls and their derivatives to colorless com-
pounds of low molecular weight is a function of
oxidation processes which is not yet well described.
Degradation during Processing
0014Except for enzymatic conversions, chlorophylls
undergo light-, heat-, and acid-catalyzed alterations
that lead to a marked shift in the greenness of stored
and processed foods.
0015Acid-catalyzed removal of Mg ion upon release of
endogenous acids (in case of mechanical injuries and
processes), acid formation via fermentation (brining,
pickling, etc.), and dressing with an acidic ingredient
are responsible for chlorophyll-to-pheophytin con-
version. The acids produced in the fermentation that
occurs naturally and spontaneously in brined or
pickled fruits induce degradation of chlorophylls
and chlorophyllides to the corresponding pheophy-
tins and pheophorbides. Although physically acid-
catalyzed conversion occurs inside the chloroplast,
the media in which it takes place is the fermentor,
since it is the diffusion across the membranes by
osmosis that leads to fermentation. The intracellular
pH is thus altered by the pH of the brining solution.
The change in content of chlorophylls and pheophy-
tins as a function of fermentation time and pH of the
brine of green olive fermentation is shown in Table 1.
The kinetic equation describing the degradation of
the pigments is:
dc=dt ¼ k½H
In brining starting with alkaline treatment, when the
interior of the fruit reaches a pH of 8, the concen-
tration of chlorophylls is greater than that of hydro-
gen ions. In this case, if pheophytinization occurs, its
kinetics would be of second order. When the con-
centration of hydrogen ions in the fermentation
media, compared with the existing chlorophyll, is in
excess and can thus be considered to be constant, the
kinetic reaction is of pseudoorder and can be ex-
pressed as: