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J. C. Peuzin
Laboratoire Louis Ne
el, CNRS Grenoble, France
Magnets, Soft and Hard: Magnetic
Below the Curie temperature, the elementary mag-
netic moments of ferro- and ferrimagnetic materials
are spontaneously ordered (see Magnetism in Solids:
General Introduction). On a mesoscopic scale in the
nanometer range, many of these elementary dipoles
can be collected in an average value called magnet-
ization, which is represented by a classical vector
M(r) of unit A/m (r is the position vector). The ab-
solute value of the magnetization vector, given by the
saturation magnetization M
, is a function of tem-
perature alone for all regular magnetic materials, it is
constant throughout a (chemically uniform) sample
and is largely independent of applied magnetic fields.
We can therefore write M(r) ¼M
m(r) with m
where m(r) is the unit vector field of magnetization.
For samples of finite dimensions, this vector field is
usually subdivided into magnetic domains, i.e., vol-
umes that are themselves uniformly magnetized to a
value equal to M
along different directions. They are
separated by domain walls, in which the magnetiza-
tion vector continuously rotates on the 10–1000 nm
scale to accommodate the change in magnetization
orientation between adjacent domains. Domain for-
mation is driven by energy minimization, with the
reduction of the stray field energy being responsible
for their development above all. The character of a
domain pattern depends on the strength and orien-
tation of ‘‘easy axes of magnetization’’ (anisotropy,
see also Magnetic Anisotropy) relative to the main
surfaces of the magnet, but also its shape, dimen-
sions, and physical microstructure are important.
The magnetic microstructure, i.e., the arrangement
of domains and walls, together with their reaction in
external magnetic fields (magnetization processes)
determine the macroscopic properties of magnetic
materials. Due to the presence of domains, a magnet
can accommodate a continuous range of magnetic
states that reach from complete demagnetization (if
the moments of all domains cancel each other) to
saturation in external fields. In soft magnetic materi-
als, the magnetic microstructure can easily be mod-
ified in small fields either by wall motion or
magnetization rotation.
For instance, a high permeability in the core of
inductive devices is provided by easily displaceable
domain walls leading to a steep magnetization curve,
whereas a linear curve for sensor applications re-
quires rotation processes mainly. If major and irre-
versible rearrangements of domains occur during
magnetization, they are responsible for losses and
noise in devices, and pinning of domain walls by
material imperfections results in hysteresis with co-
ercivity and remanence (see Magnetic Hysteresis).
Strong pinning or the prevention of domain nuclea-
tion causes a high coercivity and leads to hard mag-
netic materials (see Hard Magnetic Materials, Basic
Principles of ).
In Sects. 2 and 3 of this contribution, the basic
domain structures in both material classes will be re-
viewed based on Kerr-microscopical domain studies
(see Kerr Microscopy ), following some introductory
remarks on the fundamentals of domains in Sect. 1.
Reviews on magnetic materials with emphasis on
magnetic microstructure can be found in Cullity
(1972), Chikazumi (1997), and O’Handley (2000). A
comprehensive review on domains together with an
extended bibliography is given in Hubert and Scha
Magnets, Soft and Hard: Magnetic Domains