most notably by Tsymbal and Pettifor (1996), who
considered hybridization of the sp and d electrons.
They considered scattering from spin-independent
disorder introduced using the Anderson model, using
the Kubo formula. The degree of disorder can be
altered as a parameter to obtain typical resistivities
for thin-film structures and, for the first time, realistic
values obtained for the GMR.
9. Summary and Future Developments
Although the underlying mechanisms of GMR are
now understood, accurate predictions are still diffi-
cult owing to the significant effect minor changes in
electronic band structure and microstructure can
have on the spin-dependent scattering. GMR sensors
have successfully found a major market for applica-
tions most notably as read heads in the data storage
industry (Toigo 2000) (see Magnetic Recording De-
vices: Inductive Heads, Properties) and increasingly in
a wider range of applications. The latest develop-
ments are in magnetic random access memory
(MRAM) (Pohm et al. 1994) (see Random Access
Memories: Magnetic) and hybrid spin electronic de-
vices (Gregg et al. 1997, Hammar et al. 1999) (see
Magnetic Recording Systems: Spin Electronics). More
detailed reviews of GMR can be found in the liter-
ature (e.g., Dieny 1994, Gijs and Bauer 1997).
See also: Colossal Magnetoresistance Effects: The
Case of Charge-ordered Pr
Thin Films; Magnetoresistance in Transition Metal
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Magnetoresistive Heads: Physical Phenomena