density of low-energy excitations is large in these itin-
erant SL states (see Heavy-fermion Systems).
3. Summary
Strongly frustrated antiferromagnets may exhibit
various unconventional ground states. An SL state
can be stabilized in both localized and itinerant sys-
tems with frustrated crystallographic structure:
The understanding of localized SL states has
increased considerably, but several aspects need fur-
ther study, especially the low-temperature dynamics
and the difference with conventional SG states. It has
been proposed that these systems belong to a new
class of ‘‘topological spin glasses.’’
For metallic SL states, static properties can be
described satisfactorily within a localized model, but
the dynamics are certainly different (‘‘3d heavy fer-
mions’’). Also, in various materials close to a mag-
netic instability, mixed magnetic structures are
See also: Bulk Magnetic Materials: Low-dimensional
Systems; Electron Systems: Strong Correlations;
Magnetic Systems: Disordered; Heavy-fermion Sys-
tems; Spin Fluctuations
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Magnetic Systems: Specific Heat
Historically, specific heat was defined as the heat (dQ)
required to rise the temperature (T) of a unit of mass
of a substance in a unit of degree, C
¼ dQ=dT,
where y indicates the control parameters kept con-
stant. This elementary definition worked hand in
hand with the development of the thermodynamics
because it is directly related to those parameters to be
taken into account to describe the state of any phys-
ical system, i.e., its energy and temperature.
Magnetic Systems: Specific Heat