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and the roadway in order to enhance vehicle safety.
It has been shown that the stress measured at suit-
able positions in a car tire can be analyzed to give
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conditions, and the tire inflaction. The sensor pro-
posed here (Tyren et al. 2000) is based on a combi-
nation of magnetostriction and magneto-impedance.
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the magnetoelastic microwire. Thus, the skin depth of
this element is altered leading to a change in its elec-
trical impedance. This results in amplitude variations
measured by a radio-frequency link between the sen-
sor and stationary antenna. Figure 9 shows a scheme
of the basic principles of the sensor.
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A. Hernando and P. Marı
Instituto de Magnetismo Aplicado, Madrid, Spain
Magnetic Microwires: Manufacture, Properties, and Applications