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Magnetic Micro-actuators (MAGMAS)
Magnetic micro-actuators and systems (MAGMAS;
also called ‘‘MAG-MEMS,’’ (micro-electromechanical
systems)) present outstanding performance for pow-
erful integrated conversion from electrical to mechan-
ical energy. MAGMAS, due to available forces and
energies, belong to the recently appearing ‘‘Power-
MEMS’’ family. Besides, the diversity of structures
and the range of possible applications, including
distance and remote-controlled actuation, explains
the many recent publications and the large scope of
research in this field. The topics addressed range from
power energy microsources, to micromotors, micro-
actuators, microswitches, levitation and remote-
controlled magnetic micro-objects. The corresponding
devices comprise optical, electrical, radiofrequency
(RF), biomedical, and fluid dynamics applications.
MEMS are presently diversifying towards diffe-
rent principles of actuation, either electrostatic, mag-
netic, piezoelectric, or thermal, or actuation based on
Magnetic Micro-actuators (MAGMAS)