by molecular beam epitaxy, recent NMR work on
thin-film NiMnSb shows a very low amount of dis-
order and of a type (Mn–Sb interchange) that does
not influence the half-metallic properties (Van Roy
et al. 2003).
3. Half-metallic Antiferromagnetism
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zero. Besides a nonmagnetic solution this can imply
an unusual form of magnetism: half-metallic antif-
erromagnetism (Van Leuken and De Groot 1994).
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antiferromagnets, because local moments on cry-
stallographically different sites cancel. Theoretically,
they are predicted to show an unusual form of mag-
netism (Rudd and Pickett 1998). Experimentally, they
have not been realized yet (Pickett 1998).
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R. A. de Groot
University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Hard Magnetic Materials, Basic
Principles of
The progress in the field of permanent magnets has
been dramatic since the 1960s. This would have been
impossible without a fundamental understanding of
the physical phenomena responsible for hard magnet
properties, which led to the discovery of new families
of permanent magnet materials based on rare
earth(R)–transition metal (T) compounds (see Rare
Earth Magnets: Materials). The search for new com-
pounds with superior properties focuses on materials
Hard Magnetic Materials, Basic Pr inciples of