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tivity; Giant Magnetoresistance: Metamagnetic
Transitions in Metallic Antiferromagnets; Magneto-
resistance: Magnetic and Nonmagnetic Intermetallics
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A. Barthe
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UMR CNRS-Thomson CSF and Universite
Sud, Orsay, France
F. Nguyen Van Dau
UMR CNRS-Thomson CSF, Orsay, France
Giant Magnetoresistance: Metamagnetic
Transitions in Metallic Antiferromagnets
In intermetallic compounds with antiferromagnetic
(AF) ordering, a large change in the resistivity (mag-
netoresistance: MR) occurs within a magnetic field,
associated with a metamagnetic transition (MT). The
mechanisms responsible are discussed here in relation
to several examples.
The MR ratio is defined as:
where r(B) is the resistivity under a magnetic field H
(B ¼m
The term ‘‘giant magnetoresistance’’ (GMR) was
first used for the large resistance decrease in magnetic
multilayers (MML) associated with the field-induced
Giant Magnetoresistance: Metamagnetic Transitions in Metallic Antiferromagnets