models, theoretical 955
remagnetization curves 958
intermediate coupling 385
intermediate valence (IV), experimental evidence 318
intermediate valence (IV) compounds 317–321, 713
electronic configuration 317
hybridization gap 317
as Kondo insulators 276
negative elastic constants 317
periodic Anderson model 317
phenomenology 317
soft bulk modulus 317
intermetallic hydrides 892, 897, 901
antiferromagnetism 255
crystal field interactions 95–100
inelastic neutron scattering studies 95–100
reviews 95
definitions 4
electrical resistivity 321–327
analysis 322
scattering mechanisms 322
field-induced phase transitions 520
giant magnetoresistance 256
Hall effect 327–336
high magnetic fields 748
magnetoresistance 822–830
magnetostriction 766
manganese-based, exchange coupling 10
spin disorder resistivity 827
see also amorphous intermetallic alloys; Laves phases;
R-3d intermetallics
inter-multiplet transitions 417
internal Sn process 1203–1204
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
Central Solenoid Model Coil Project 1190, 1203,
superconducting cables 1192, 1205F
intraband transitions, microscopic models 811–815
anti-Invar 336
discovery 336, 840
future research 60
high-spin–low-spin transitions 338
high-spin states 337
low-spin states 337
magnetic moments 700
magnetostriction 840
magnetovolume effects 699
moment–volume instabilities 338
properties 336–340
physical 336
systems 336T
see also Elinvar
Invar effect 112
ion beam-assisted deposition (IBAD), applications 1185
ion currents, and nuclear spin relaxation compared 41
ion hopping, in glasses 41
ionic diffusion
dilute particles 40
nuclear spin relaxation induction 39
in glasses 40
models 40
molecular dynamics simulations 40
in applied magnetic field 390
in magnetic materials 279
magnetic susceptibility 391
see also free ions; rare earth ions
iridium manganese antimonide, half-metallicity 267
iron–chromium–iron sandwiches, Kerr microscopy 372
iron–chromium multilayers
giant magnetoresistance 245, 245F, 246F, 622, 832
perturbed angular correlation studies 1048, 1051
iron–cobalt alloys
applications 473
saturation magnetization 473
iron compounds, hydrides 903
iron–copper–niobium–silicon–boron alloys
anisotropy 22, 22F
applications 967
magnetism 967
magnetostriction 22
saturation magnetostriction 21, 21F
iron–copper–zirconium–boron alloys, magnetism 967
iron–germanium alloys, plastic deformation 534
iron–hafnium–carbon alloys, magnetism 967
iron jarosites, frustration 705
iron layers, in thin films 1001, 1002F, 1003F
iron manganese antimonide, half-metallicity 267
iron–nickel alloys
compressibility 702
ferromagnetism 113
iron oxides
applications, magnetic coatings 672
neisen coefficient 701
iron particles, colloidal, manufacture 209
iron–platinum alloys
applications, permanent magnets 478–482
coercivity 479
compressibility 702
structure 478
iron–rhodium alloys, magnetocaloric effect 677
density of phonon states 1001, 1001F
high-pressure behavior 1000
itinerant electron studies 111
magnetic anisotropy energy 112
magnetic losses 467
magnetic moments 700
magnetocaloric effect 763
ssbauer spectra 996, 998F
NFS spectra 996, 998F, 1000, 1000F
NIS spectra 999, 999F
plastic deformation 530
see also silicon irons; steels
iron–silicon alloys see silicon irons
iron sulfide, a transition 1064
iron titanium hydrides, electronic band structure 893
iron–zirconium borides
coercivity 445
magnetostriction 22
irradiation effects, in superconductors (materials) 1153–1156
irreversible magnetic aftereffect 720
critical states 722
demagnetization factor 720
occurrence 720
thermal fluctuations 720
viscosity coefficient 720
Subject Index irreversible magnetic aftereffect