Studies into Full Integration of Language and Action 313
of interaction styles in different situations. In such an interface, all interaction
styles are available at all times.
In order to examine the usefulness of multimodal user interfaces, we first de-
scribe EDWARD, a fully integrated multimodal user interface. Next, we present
some theoretical analyses of the advantages of combining language and action
in such a user interface. In Sect. 4, we then show some results of several user
studies with EDWARD: What do the users actually do? Do they make use of
the freedom of interaction style usage? Do they like it? Finally, we describe the
conclusions and provide some more research questions.
2 Overview of EDWARD
EDWARD integrates two subsystems, each providing unimodal interaction ,
sharing a dialogue manager and knowledge sources (Huls and Bos, 1993; Huls,
Bos, and Dijkstra, 1994; Bos, 1993). EDWARD is implemented in Allegro Com-
mon Lisp and runs on a DECstation. EDWARD is a generic, domain independent
interface. Its current domain is a hierarchical file system consisting of various
types of reports, email messages, directories, etc., but its knowledge sources have
been designed such that switching to another domain is easy.
The user can manipulate the objects in the domain in four ways: by mim-
icking actions on selected objects, by selecting actions from menus, by entering
commands in a command language, or by keying in Dutch sentences. Each of
these ways can be used individually, but two of them can also be combined in
one multimodal expression, e.g., by typing expressions like "put them there/z,,.
The manipulation of the objects in each way results in an update of the model
world as well as in an update of the internal knowledge base. In our example
domain, this usually implies an operation on the file system.
Figure 1 illustrates how the user can interact with EDWARD. The computer
screen is divided into two areas. The area occupying most of the screen is the
graphics display: a window called Modelwereld (Model World). The tree shown
in Fig. 1 represents a hierarchy of directories (depicted as bookcases), and files
(e.g., reports, papers, email messages, and books). The viewport shows only
part of the model world, which, in principle, extends indefinitely. In the bottom
right corner of the viewport, a garbage container and a copier are displayed.
The bear icon, at the bottom in the middle, represents the system itself (i.e.,
EDWARD). The OK button in the bottom left corner was added for use during
our experiments only. Using a mouse, the user can manipulate the graphical
representation of the domain objects. At the bottom of the Model World window,
a mouse documentation bar is presented. Object-specific menus appear also in
the Model World window at the user's request. In the bottom area of the screen is
the language interaction window labelled Dialoog (Dialogue), where Invoer and
Uitvoer mean 'input' and 'output', respectively. Here the user can enter natural
and command language expressions and the system displays its linguistic output.