• Common peroneal n. (17.6) Runs over lat. head of gastrocnemius, passes under
peroneus longus, runs between that and the lat. dig.
extensor and divides in the middle of the crus into
supf. and deep peroneal nn.
•• Lat. cutaneous sural n. (17.21) Skin lat. to the stifle and crus Perforates the terminal tendon of the biceps femoris
•• Supf. peroneal n. (17.14) Originates from the common peroneal n. in the middle
of the crus
••• Cutaneous branches Skin on the dorsolat. surface of the metatarsus
••• Dorsal common dig. n. IV (23.6) Origin from supf. peroneal n., usually in the crus,
crosses deep to the cran. br. of the lat. saphenous v.
and runs down the metatarsus
•••• Axial dors. dig. n. V (23.14) and Distributed like corresponding nn. on the manus which originate from the ulnar n. (see p. 9)
Abaxial dors. dig. n. IV (23.15)
••• Dorsal common dig. n. II (23.4) Smaller terminal br. of supf. peroneal n.; divides distal
to prox. third of metatarsus
•••• Axial dors. dig. n. II (23.12) and
Abax. dors. dig. n. III (23.13) Distributed like corresponding nn. on the manus which originate from the radial n. (see p. 9)
••• Dorsal common dig. n. III (23.7) Larger terminal br. of supf. peroneal n. in prox. third
of metatarsus; runs to the interdigital space, exchanges
communicating brr. with dors. metatarsal n. III
(see. p. 11)
•••• Axial dors. dig. nn. III (23.21) Skin of digits III and IV to the dorsal coronary region,
and IV (23.22) digital joints
•• Deep peroneal n. (17.9) Origin from com. peroneal n. in middle of crus; runs
on lat. border of extensor digit. longus, deep to the
extensor retinacula, to the flexion surface of the tarsus
••• Muscular brr. Tibialis cran., long, lat., and short extensors, peroneus
tertius, peroneus longus
••• Dorsal metatarsal n. III (23.1) Runs on the metatarsus with vessels of the same name
in the dors. mtt. groove to the interdigital space; after
exchanging communicating brr. with dors. com. dig. n.
III, ends in communicating brr. to each plantar axial
digital n.
• Tibial nerve (17.19) Passes between the two heads of the gastrocnemius and
divides at the dist. end of the crus into med. and lat.
plantar nn.
•• Prox. muscular brr. Semitendinosus and semimembranosus and ischial
head of biceps femoris
•• Caud. cutaneous sural n. (17.19') Skin on caudolat. surface of crus down to hock Supplies lat. part of capsule of stifle joint; runs with
lat. saphenous v. and passes distally on the lat. side of
the common calcanean tendon
•• Dist. muscular brr. Popliteus, extensors of the hock, and flexors of the
•• Medial plantar n. (19.14) Runs with supf. brr. of the med. plantar a. and v. on
the med. border of the deep flexor tendon to the distal
third of the metatarsus, where it divides
••• Plantar common digital n. II (23.9)
•••• Axial plant. dig. n. II (23.11) and Distributed like the corresponding palmar nn. on the manus which come from the median n. (see p. 9)
Abax. plant. dig. n. III (23.17)
••• Plantar common digital n. III (23.8) Runs over the med. br. of the supf. dig. flexor tendon
to the interdigital space; may be double or divide and
•••• Axial plant dig. nn. III (23.20) Like the corresponding palmar nn. on the manus, except that each receives a communicating br. from the
and IV (23.19) union of the supf. and deep dors. nn. (see. p. 11)
•• Lateral plantar n. (19.13) Crosses deep to the long plantar lig. of the tarsus to the
lat. border of the interosseus
Anatomie des Rindes englisch 09.09.2003 16:11 Uhr Seite 124