VIII. Risk Management 28. Managing International
810 PART VIII Risk Management
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gesting that the company should make an issue of Japanese yen bonds. Does this
make sense?
7. What considerations should an American company take into account when deciding
how to finance its overseas subsidiaries?
8. Suppose you are the treasurer of Lufthansa, the German international airline. How is
company value likely to be affected by exchange rate changes? What policies would
you adopt to reduce exchange rate risk?
9. Companies may be affected by changes in the nominal exchange rate or in the real ex-
change rate. Explain how this can occur. Which risks are easiest to hedge against?
10. A Ford dealer in the United States may be exposed to a devaluation of the yen if this leads
to a cut in the price of Japanese cars. Suppose that the dealer estimates that a 1 percent de-
cline in the value of the yen would result in a permanent decline of 5 percent in the
dealer’s profits. How should she hedge against this risk, and how should she calculate
the size of the hedge position? You may find it helpful to refer back to Section 27.5.
11. You have bid for a possible export order that would provide a cash inflow of a1 million
in six months. The spot exchange rate is and the six-month forward rate is
. There are two sources of uncertainty: (1) the euro could appreciate or de-
preciate and (2) you may or may not receive the export order. Illustrate in each case the
profits or losses that you would make if (a) you sell one million euros forward, and
(b) you buy a six-month option to sell euros with an exercise price of .
12. In August 2001, an American investor buys 1,000 shares in a Mexican company at a
price of 500 pesos each. The share does not pay any dividend. A year later she sells the
shares for 550 pesos each. The exchange rates when she buys the stock are shown in
Table 28.1. Suppose that the exchange rate at the time of sale is pesos 9.50/$.
a. How many dollars does she invest?
b. What is her total return in pesos? In dollars?
c. Do you think that she has made an exchange rate profit or loss? Explain.
13. Table 28.4 shows the foreign exchange rate for the Australian dollar and the Australian
and U.S. inflation rates. Using these data, plot the nominal and real exchange rates.
Which was more volatile, the nominal or the real exchange rate?
14. Look again at Table 28.4. George and Bruce each have an equal share in a trust fund that
provides them with an income of US$100,000 a year. George lives in Seattle, but Bruce
emigrated to Sydney in 1983. What has happened to George’s real income since 1983?
What was Bruce’s income in 1983 in Australian dollars? What was it in 2000? What has
happened to Bruce’s real income?
15. In 1992 a liter of scotch cost $22.84 in New York, S$69 in Singapore, and 3,240 roubles
in Moscow.
a. If the law of one price held, what was the exchange rate between U.S. dollars and
Singapore dollars? Between U.S. dollars and roubles?
b. The actual exchange rates in 1992 were and .
Where would you prefer to buy your scotch?
16. Table 28.5 shows the annual interest rate (annually compounded) and exchange rates
against the dollar for different currencies. Are there any arbitrage opportunities? If so,
how would you secure a positive cash flow today, while zeroing out all future cash flows?
17. “Last year we had a substantial income in sterling, which we hedged by selling sterling
forward. In the event sterling rose, and our decision to sell forward cost us a lot of
money. I think that in the future we should either stop hedging our currency exposure
or just hedge when we think sterling is overvalued.” As financial manager, how would
you respond to your chief executive’s comment?
18. In 1985 a German corporation bought $250 million forward to cover a future purchase
of goods from the United States. However, the dollar subsequently depreciated and the
company found that, if it had waited and then bought the dollars spot, it would have
250 roubles US$
ˇ 1S$ˇ 1.63 US$ˇ 1
$ˇ .9070/a
ˇ .9070 a1
ˇ .9094 a1