64 3 Particle Accelerators and Particle Detection
the photos are not of natural size; there is an enlargement factor g (generally
smaller than one). The curvature radius R is determined through the measurement
of many points along the trajectory which is then reconstructed using computer
Energy loss. A fast charged particle constantly interacts through the Coulomb
interaction with the atoms of the crossed medium ionizing and exciting them.
Energy loss through ionization per path length unit depends on the atomic number
Z of the crossed medium and on the square of the electric charge of the fast particle
(2.10). At velocities much smaller than c, the dependence on the velocity in the
Bethe–Block formula is of the type 1=v
; at larger velocities, the curve reaches
a minimum followed by a slight relativistic rise. Such an energy loss is small in
comparison to the kinetic energy of the fast particle. As a result of the energy loss,
positive and negative ions are produced through ionization in the crossed medium
along the trajectory of the particle. Around these ions, little bubbles may form and
can be photographed. A relativistic charged particle produces 5–10 bubbles per
centimeter in a bubble chamber; a slower particle loses more energy, producing
a “black” track which may even stop in the bubble chamber. An electron always
has a velocity close to that of light and loses little energy through ionization (thus
producing a small number of bubbles per centimeter); however, it loses energy
through radiation in a discontinuous way. Consequently, the radius of curvature of
an electron track quickly decreases. The number of bubbles per cm of track are only
roughly measured. However, it is possible to obtain estimates on the mass of heavy
particles measuring the curvature radius and the number of bubbles per cm. In a
liquid hydrogen bubble chamber, the energy loss is dE=dx ' 0:27 MeV/cm, that
is, about 4 MeV cm
/g; in a material different from hydrogen, it is about 2 MeV
/g. Let us now analyze a few photos, beginning with the simplest cases.
3.6.2 The Electron “Spiral”
The photo of Fig. 3.10 shows a series of bubbles (the so-called “track”) produced
by an electron in a bubble chamber: it is a typical track with a spiral form. Tracks
produced by electrons are easily recognizable because no other particle can leave a
track with a small number of bubbles per cm describing a circumference with a small
radius of curvature. The small number of bubbles indicates that the electron velocity
is high, very close to the speed of light in vacuum. The small radius of curvature of
the trajectory tells us that the particle rest mass is very small. The electron constantly
loses energy; therefore, its energy and momentum, and consequently the radius of
curvature continuously decreases. Figure 3.9a shows theoretical tracks calculated
by only using the energy loss through ionization for a proton with a momentum of
470 MeV/c, and for an electron with a 330 MeV/c momentum in a bubble chamber
immersed in a 2 T magnetic field. Notice that the proton (which produces a track
with a large number of bubbles per cm, a “black” track) stops in the chamber.