4 1 Historical Notes and Fundamental Concepts
opposite electric charge. It was the antielectron, that is, the antiparticle predicted
by the quantum theory of the electron developed a few years before by Dirac
(Nobel laureate in 1933). Immediately afterwards, in 1934, James Chadwick (Nobel
laureate in 1935) experimentally identified a particle with a mass similar to that of
the proton, though without electric charge: the neutron.
In 1937, Anderson together with Neddermeyer again discovered a particle of
intermediate mass between that of the proton and that of the electron: they called
this new particle the meson. For some time, it was thought that this particle was the
mediator particle of the interactions between protons and neutrons for the formation
of nuclei. A theoretical model created by Hideki Yukawa (Nobel laureate in 1949)
predicted the existence of a particle with a mass very close to that of the just
discovered meson. Nevertheless, actually during World War II in Rome, Conversi,
Pancini and Piccioni showed in a famous experiment that the meson of Anderson
and Neddermeyer (nowadays called the muon) could not be the particle predicted
by Yukawa. Even if the theory of Yukawa (as we will see later) does not properly
describe the physics of nuclei, the predicted particle (the pion) was discovered
in 1947 by Lattes, Occhialini and Powell in secondary cosmic rays using nuclear
emulsions (i.e., sophisticated photographic films) at high altitudes.
Nonetheless, in 1947, in the interactions of cosmic rays in a cloud chamber with
magnetic field, particles with a particularly strange behavior were discovered. They
were thus named strange particles. As we will see, particles containing a quark of
mass higher than that of the quarks that compose protons and neutrons had just been
discovered (this was obviously understood only a few years later). Finally, Pauli at
the beginning of the 1930s had hypothesized the existence of an elusive particle
without mass and electric charge: the neutrino. However, one had to wait until 1954
to experimentally observe it (thanks to the advent of nuclear reactors).
With the advance of accelerators, the discovery of many new particles was
made possible; most of them are subject to the strong interaction and are named
hadrons. The fermionic particles that do not strongly interact were named leptons.
Etymologically, the term lepton means a particle of small mass. However, now that it
includes the
, heavier than the proton, the term lepton simply denotes the fermions
that do not strongly interact. This is yet another example of the typical contradiction
between the etymology of the word and the latest results obtained in this field of
The development of particle physics following World War II has been amazing,
with continuous surprises, quite a collection of discoveries and a lot of system-
atic work. For instance, without pretension of completeness: the discovery of
the antiproton (1955), the classification of the hadrons in terms of quarks; the
discovery of the parity violation in the weak interaction. After the discovery of
the two types of neutrinos, electronic (1956) and muonic (1963), followed the
discovery of the hadronic resonances and the scheme of classification based on
SU(3) (1960s and 1970s). Furthermore, the list of developments continues with
the discovery of the hyperon ˝
with strangeness S D3 (1963), the evidence
for quarks and gluons (1960s), the increasing with energy of the total hadronic
cross-sections (1971–1974), the discovery of the neutral current weak interaction,