2.12 The Bubble Chamber 41
process; it therefore belonged to the ionization detector category. A bubble chamber
contained a liquid that, during the passage of particles, was in a metastable
condition. An example of this particular state could be water at a temperature of
C and at atmospheric pressure: water should boil, though it actually does not
for a small fraction of a second.
The liquid begins to boil where impurities are
present, for example, at the edges of the vessel, and also around a group of negative
and positive electric charges.
A fast charged particle that crosses a bubble chamber ionizes many atoms and
molecules of the liquid. In each of these interactions, the fast charged particle loses
a small part of its energy and is not deflected in an appreciable way. Along the path
of the particle, free electrons (negative ions) and atoms without an electron (positive
ions) are created around which the liquid begins to boil. This means that around
groups of ions, little bubbles of vapor are formed that dimensionally increase until
eventually they fill the whole chamber. If one takes a photo at the moment in which
the little bubbles have a diameter of slightly less than a millimeter, the trajectory of
the particles is visualized through a series of little bubbles.
To be able to again use the bubble chamber, one needs to increase the pressure (in
the example of water at 110
C, the pressure could be brought to four atmospheres)
to force the liquid to stop boiling. At the right moment, the pressure is again
lowered (to one atmosphere) and the chamber is again ready. This moment must
be synchronized because it must precede the arrival of fast charge particles by a few
A bubble chamber is usually surrounded by a big magnet that produces a strong
magnetic field in the whole space of the chamber (typically B D 2 Tesla). The
charged particles that cross the chamber are deflected by the magnetic field along a
circular trajectory whose radius depends on the particle momentum. Then, analyzing
the tracks, information can be obtained on the mass of the particles and on their
momentum. Large bubble chambers have been used in experiments studying muon
neutrinos; in this case, intense neutrino beams are needed in order to have a
reasonable number of interactions.
Bubble chambers were built with operational liquids, for example, hydrogen,
deuterium, neon plus hydrogen, helium and others. Hydrogen bubble chambers offer
the advantage of allowing the study of collisions on protons that can be considered
as free. The density of liquid hydrogen is low (% ' 0:06 gcm
); therefore, the
quantity of matter on the trajectory of every particle is small. The probability of
interaction is low: well defined tracks can be seen, but interactions of rays are
not observed. In a bubble chamber with heavy liquid, for example, a mixture of
hydrogen and neon, there are many interactions of beam particles; besides, the
probability of the interaction of rays is elevated (due to the neon high density
and high atomic number).
Water is actually not suited to be used as a liquid in a bubble chamber; it is only used here as an
illustrative example.