78 4 The Paradigm of Interactions: The Electromagnetic Case
4.1.2 The Quantum Theory of Electromagnetism
The experiments carried out at the beginning of the 1900s on the emission of, for
example, blackbody radiation, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, showed that the
electromagnetic field is quantized; the quantum of the EM field is the photon, with
energy E D h,momentump D h=c,spins D 1„. Because it always moves at
the light speed c, the photon only has two polarization states (e.g., right-handed or
left-hand circular polarization). Classically, this is equivalent to the fact that only
transverse EM waves propagate in vacuum. A virtual photon (by definition, the
relation E
D p
C m
does not hold for a virtual particle with a rest mass m)
can have a mass different from zero and a third polarization state, the longitudinal
one. Classically, this occurs with electromagnetic waves moving in a waveguide.
The theory of quantum electrodynamics (QED) developed in the 1940s and
1950s by Feynman, Schwinger, Tomonaga (Nobel laureate in 1965) and others,
describes the interaction of charged Dirac fields (D charged fermions) with the
quantized electromagnetic field (second quantization). The theory predicts, in a
large energy range and with high precision, many phenomena, such as, the cross-
sections and transition probabilities.
One of the most important QED properties is its renormalizability. This means
that terms producing infinite quantities (e.g., the so-called “self-energy” terms due
to the diagrams shown in Fig. 4.2e,f) may be all included in the electron mass m
electric charge e
. Mass and charge can then be overridden by the experimentally
measured values.
A second important property of QED is the gauge invariance. To intuitively
understand the meaning, remember that in electrostatic, the interaction energy
(experimentally measurable) depends on the electrostatic potential difference, and
not on its absolute value. The interaction energy is therefore invariant under any
change of scale (or “gauge”) of the potential (the potential is known but an
additive constant, the “global gauge”). We shall discuss in Sect. 6.9 the local gauge
invariance, which leads to the electric charge conservation. It is believed that the
theories of fundamental interactions should be renormalizable local gauge theories.
The “constant” ˛
is known with high accuracy from experiments at low
energy. We shall see in Chap. 11 that ˛
is not really constant, but increases
logarithmically with the c.m. energy; for example, it is equal to 1/137 at “zero”
energy and to 1/128 at E
s D 91:2 GeV.
4.2 Some Quantum Mechanics Concepts
In this section, we shall recall some quantum mechanics concepts. A few sim-
ple rules were established to go from classical equations to quantum equations
through the substitution of energy E and momentum p with the corresponding