9.9 Coherent Thomson scattering: experimental verification 365
9.9 Coherent Thomson scattering: experimental verification
It is clear from (9.102) that by varying the scattering angle θ one can pass from
a regime of incoherent Thomson scattering (α
1) to one of coherent (or col-
lective) Thomson scattering for which α
> 1. Alternatively, for a fixed scattering
geometry one could sweep through α
= 1 by switching to longer wavelength
light. In practice this is not usually an option. Substituting values of λ
of a moderately dense laboratory plasma with electron temperature of 1 keV, and
choosing λ
= 1.06 µm corresponding to neodymium laser light, it follows from
(9.102) that to observe coherent Thomson scattering one has to look close to the
forward direction. In this case the shrinking solid angle sets a limit in practice.
Moreover, stray light problems are exacerbated for small θ. For realistic choices
of scattering angle and laser wavelength, the condition for coherent Thomson
scattering translates into a condition that the electron density n
Both low and high frequency features in the scattered light spectrum have diag-
nostic potential. The height of electron line provides a measure of electron density
while from the ion resonance we may in principle deduce the ratio of electron to
ion temperatures and hence determine T
if T
is known from other measurements.
However, as we shall see, the presence of impurity ions may introduce ambiguities
into this measurement.
The first identification of the ion feature in a laboratory plasma was made by
DeSilva, Evans and Forrest (1964) from studies of ruby laser light scattered by a
hydrogen arc plasma. The electron density, needed to characterize α
, was mea-
sured independently from Stark broadening of the H
line. By detecting scattered
light at two angles it was possible to isolate both incoherent (α
1) and coherent
> 1) Thomson regimes.
Coherent Thomson scattering diagnostics have been used to advantage in labo-
ratory plasmas, notably in laser-produced plasmas where the high electron density
eases the other constraints, despite difficulties over and above those already out-
lined in Section 9.7.2. Problems may arise on account of the sensitivity of the ion
feature to a number of effects, for example becoming asymmetric due to electron
drift velocities and the presence of impurities in the plasma. In thermal plasmas,
the plasma lines are usually weak features in the spectrum and hence difficult to
resolve. These difficulties notwithstanding, various groups, for example Baldis,
Villeneuve and Walsh (1986), Baldis et al. (1996), Labaune et al. (1995, 1996)),
have used coherent Thomson scattering to characterize ion acoustic waves and
Langmuir waves in laser-produced plasmas.
The distribution worldwide of a number of powerful radar backscatter facilities
has allowed a range of parameters characterizing the ionospheric plasma to be
determined from measurements of Thomson scattering. These include not only