348 Plasma radiation
harmonic measurement. This follows since the optical depth is a function both
of the temperature and density. However multiple reflection of the optically thin
radiation at the walls makes this less straightforward in practice than might at first
ECE offers further diagnostic potential through polarization measurements that
allow determination of the direction of the magnetic field inside the plasma at the
position at which the radiation is emitted. However, should the plasma density be
large enough to cause strong birefringence, the radiation, instead of retaining its
source polarization, reflects the polarization that characterizes the field point. If
that happens what we end up with is the direction of the magnetic field at the edge
of the plasma, rather than at the point of emission.
For tokamaks operating at higher temperatures, the use of second harmonic ECE
to measure the temperature profile suffers from harmonic overlap. As the temper-
ature increases, emission at higher harmonics contributes increasingly to the spec-
trum so that the weakly relativistic condition lβ 1 may no longer be satisfied.
Higher harmonic contributions then change the characteristics of the spectrum, as
we shall find in the following section. Moreover, the presence of even a small
population of suprathermal electrons leads to changes in the cyclotron emission,
disproportionate to the numbers involved. For non-thermal plasmas, emission and
absorption are no longer related by Kirchhoff’s law and have to be determined
independently. In cases where the electron distribution is characterized by a hot
electron tail on a bulk Maxwellian distribution, it is in principle possible to discrim-
inate between thermal and suprathermal contributions to ECE by measurements at
right angles to the magnetic field using an optically thick harmonic.
9.6 Synchrotron radiation
We shall separate our discussion of synchrotron radiation into two ranges, one
characterized by electron energies ranging from some tens to a few hundred keV
and the other in which electron energies are ultra-relativistic. The moderately rel-
ativistic range is of interest in that it includes, at the lower end, electron energies
expected in the next generation of tokamaks. The ultra-relativistic range is largely
of astrophysical interest. Analyzing spectra in both relativistic regimes is possible
only by making various approximations and in general the synchrotron radiation
spectrum has to be found numerically.
9.6.1 Synchrotron radiation from hot plasmas
We return to the general expression for the spectral power density given in (9.60)
and for simplicity set θ = π/2, since this choice corresponds to peak synchrotron