262 Collisionless kinetic theory
This result confirms what was said earlier concerning the vanishing of all imaginary
terms in a power series expansion in small k;ask → 0, γ → 0 faster than any
power of k. Numerical solution of (7.27) shows that as kλ
→ 1, |γ |→ω
, that
is, the damping time approaches the period of the oscillations. Thus, the Debye
shielding distance λ
is the minimum wavelength at which longitudinal oscillations
(k E) can occur. This is easily understood when one notes that at kλ
= 1 the
phase speed of the wave, ω/k, is equal to the mean thermal speed of the electrons.
They are easily able to neutralize the space charge, therefore, and so prevent the
wave from propagating.
A further observation to be made from (7.37) is the following. The damping
decrement arose from the residue at the pole in (7.27). The sign of γ therefore de-
pends critically on the slope of F
(u) at the pole, as is obvious from the first equal-
ity in (7.37). Since we considered a Maxwellian, centred at the origin, the slope
was necessarily negative leading to damping. Clearly, the phenomenon of Landau
damping has its physical origin in the interaction of those ‘resonant’ electrons with
u ≈ ω/k. On reflection this is not surprising. Since u is that component of electron
velocity in the direction of propagation of the wave, those electrons with u ≈ ω/k
stay roughly in phase with the wave and, therefore, more effectively exchange en-
ergy with it. The actual energy exchange between any particular resonant electron
and the wave depends on the phase of the wave at the position of the electron.
But if a particle with u <ω/k is accelerated then its interaction with the wave is
made more resonant and therefore stronger than if it had been decelerated. Thus,
for particles moving slightly slower than the wave, acceleration is a stronger effect
than deceleration so that, on average, slower particles gain energy from the wave.
Clearly the opposite is true for particles travelling slightly faster than the wave.
Figure 7.3 illustrates the cases of the strongly resonant electrons. A negative slope
to the distribution function at the resonant speed (dF
(u = ω/k)/du < 0) means
that slower particles outnumber faster ones so that the wave loses more energy than
it gains and is therefore damped. It is clear from this argument that kinetic theory
is necessary for a description of Landau damping. Integration (or averaging) over
velocity space which gives rise to a fluid theory removes the physical mechanism,
the microstructure of F
(u), essential for Landau damping. Dawson (1962) de-
veloped the idea of energy exchange between particles and Langmuir waves into a
model from which he was able to retrieve Landau’s result. Nonetheless, misgivings
persisted for a long time as to whether collisionless damping was a real effect.
Had we chosen a distribution function with a range of values of u for which
/du > 0, then for waves with phase velocities in that range we should have
found γ>0 indicating Landau growth rather than damping. Any such unstable
waves are also lost in macroscopic theory and are, therefore, known as micro-
instabilities, some of which we discuss in Section 7.4.