244 Waves in unbounded homogeneous plasmas
Two-stream and beam–plasma instabilities are widespread in both laboratory
and space plasmas. Large electric field fluctuations have been measured in space
plasmas and streaming instabilities have been detected at the boundary of the
plasma sheet. Enhanced fluctuations near the plasma frequency have been observed
upstream from the Earth’s bow shock and correlated with fluxes of energetic elec-
6.6 Absolute and convective instabilities
In this section we return to consider in more detail the interpretation of complex
solutions to the dispersion relations, examples of which appeared in Sections 6.5.1
and 6.5.2. In these examples we supposed that the wavenumber was real and found
pairs of complex roots in the dispersion relation, corresponding to modes that
were either damped or growing in time. In practice it is often more convenient
to look for complex roots of the wavenumber k, for real frequencies. Then the
complex conjugate pair correspond to modes that are evanescent, i.e. the amplitude
of a disturbance decays with distance from its source, or spatially amplifying.
Beam–plasma systems have some parallels with electron beam–circuit systems.
For example, in travelling wave tubes an input signal is amplified by interacting
with beam electrons travelling down the tube synchronously with the electromag-
netic wave. Twiss (1950, 1952) first drew attention to the distinct ways in which a
pulsed perturbation at some point in a physical system can evolve and emphasized
the need for a criterion to identify amplifying waves. Sturrock (1958) postulated
that the distinction between amplifying and evanescent waves is not dynamical but
kinematical and deciding which is which should be possible from a scrutiny of the
dispersion relation alone. However, to draw this distinction one has to consider not
a single mode but analyse instead the evolution of a wave packet.
A related problem appears when solving the dispersion relation for complex ω
roots in terms of real k. A wave packet may evolve in time in either of two distinct
ways. Considering for simplicity an unbounded system, a pulse that is localized
initially at some point may propagate away from its source, growing in amplitude
as it propagates, as represented in Fig. 6.21(a). Given a sufficiently long time the
disturbance decays with time at any fixed point in space. Instabilities with these
characteristics are classed as convective and the mode is said to be C-unstable.An
alternative outcome in Fig. 6.21(b) shows the initial pulsed perturbation spreading
across the entire region, with the amplitude of the disturbance growing in time
everywhere. Such instabilities are said to be absolute, the mode in question being
A-unstable. It is important to distinguish between these two possibilities. Clearly
one distinction can be drawn depending on the frame of the observer. An observer
in a frame moving faster than the speed at which an absolute instability spreads