The Sot-weed Factor (Cook) II:60–61
Sotweed Redivivus (Cook) II:61
Souhami, Jessica II:10
Soul Mountain (Gao) III:159
The Soul’s Awakening (Abdallah) II:1
“Sound of One Hand Clapping”
(Flanagan) III:147
The Sound of the Caravan Bell (Iqba¯l).
See Bang-i-Dira
Sound of the Mountain (Kawabata)
Soupault, Philippe III:25, III:62,
III:107, III:434
Sœur Pholmène (Goncourt and
Goncourt) III:175
South Africa, censorship in III:246,
South African literature III:4–5,
III:63–64, III:64–65, III:97–98,
III:104–105, III:113–114, III:176–177,
III:199–200, III:246, III:249, III:275,
III:316–317, III:325–326, III:327,
III:342, III:397, III:449
South African Times (periodical)
Southeast Asian Writer Award III:117
Southern Mail (Saint-Exupéry) III:381
South of the Border, West of the Sun
(Murakami) III:306
“South Seas” (Pavese) III:343
Souvenirs Pieux (Dear Departed;
Yourcenar) III:459
Souza, Eunice de III:409
So Vast the Prison (Djebar) III:121
Sovereignty and Goodness of God,
Together With the Faithfulness of His
Promises Displayed (Rowlandson)
Soviet literature III:18, III:68–69,
III:125–126, III:130, III:139,
III:287–288, III:398–399, III:408,
III:444–445, III:457, III:461. See also
socialist realism
Soviet Rus (Yesenin) III:457
Soviet South (periodical) III:139
Soviet Union
censorship in III:11–12, III:18,
III:36, III:69, III:279,
III:341–342, III:398–399, III:405,
III:408, III:420, III:432,
III:444–445, III:457, III:461
collapse of III:354
postcolonialism and III:354
Soviet Writers’ Union III:12, III:125,
III:342, III:408, III:461
Soyinka, Wole III:353, III:409–410
Spain, censorship in II:164, II:220,
Spain, Take This Cup from Me (Vallejo)
Spanish-American War III:163
Spanish-American writers II:15–16,
II:43–44, II:45, II:65–66, II:93, II:101,
II:210, II:220, II:249, II:259–260
The Spanish Brabanter (Bredero) II:31
Spanish Civil War III:435, III:440
Spanish literature. See also Generation
of 1898
Golden Age of II:36–37, II:48,
II:161, II:254, II:287
humanism in II:115
modernism in III:269
romanticism in III:47, III:104,
sonnets in II:274
writers II:2–3, II:35–36, II:36–37,
II:47–50, II:64–65, II:74,
II:105–106, II:117, II:119–120,
II:126–127, II:151–152,
II:161–164, II:164, II:198,
II:230–231, II:235–236, II:254,
II:284–285, II:287–288, III:13,
III:28, III:39, III:46–47,
III:53–54, III:79–80, III:82,
III:135–136, III:159–160, III:184,
III:227, III:268, III:269, III:336,
III:347–348, III:435–436
The Spanish Tragedy (Kyd) II:289
The Spark from the Fire-stick (Al-
Ma`rrı¯) I:181
The Sparkling Stone (Ruusbroec) II:255
Sparks (Depestre). See Étincelles
Spartacus League III:44
Speak, Memory (Nabokov) III:310
Speaking Alone (Tzara) III:434
Specialetti, Amelia III:361
Spectator (periodical) II:142
Spector, Robert Donald III:251
Speculations about Jacob (U. Johnson).
See Mutmassungen über Jakob
Speculum Meditantis (Mirror of Man;
Gower) II:106
“Speech Made by a Scapegrace in a
Gathering of Fools” (Krylov) II:142
“Spell” (Grünzweig) III:183
Spence, Joseph II:227
Spenser, Sir Edmund
allegory in II:6
influence of II:30, II:45
influences on I:68, I:128, I:229,
I:313, I:322, II:9, II:171, II:177,
II:271, II:283
Renaissance and II:244
romance and II:247
and Spenserian sonnet II:274
themes of I:66
works by I:97, I:203
Spinoza, Benedictus (Baruch) de I:184,
II:33, II:275–276, III:402
Spirale (periodical) III:173
The Spirit of Laws (Montesquieu) II:85,
The Spiritual Canticle (St. John of the
Cross) II:126–127
“Spiritual Couplets” (Rumi) I:265
The Spiritual Espousals (Ruusbroec)
Spiritual Exercises (Ignatius of Loyola)
The Spiritual Regulation of Peter the
Great (Prokopovitch) II:232
Spiritual Relations (Teresa of Avila)
Spiritual Songs (Novalis) II:207
The Spiritual Tabernacle (Ruusbroec)
Spivak, Gayatri III:352
A Sport of Nature (Gordimer) III:177
sportsbild (periodical) III:367
Sprache im technischen Zeitalter
(Language in the Technological Age;
Höllerer) III:209
Spring (Ba Jin) III:34
“Spring’s Return” (Horace) I:135
The Sprouts (Ba Jin) III:34
Sprüche poems I:324
Squanto II:29
Le Square (M. Duras) III:127
The Square Moon (Samman) III:382
Srikanta (Chatterji) III:89
Srimad Bhagavatam I:251
Srinivasa, Srirangam Rao. See Sri Sri
Sri Sri III:410–411
Sri-Sri Sahityamu (Sri Sri) III:411
Srivastana, Dhanpat Rai. See
Premchand, Munshi
Ssu-ma I. See Sima I
Stabat Mater (hymn) I:144
Staden, Hans II:276–277
Staël, Germaine de III:411–412
friends and colleagues of III:102
romanticism in III:375
Staines, David I:68, I:258
Stalactite (Yu) III:459
Stalin, Joseph
censorship under III:405, III:457
influences on II:169
literary interests of III:288
opponents of III:62, III:399,
petitions to III:69
rule of III:12, III:179, III:405
works on III:279, III:457
Stalin Prize III:60, III:119, III:130,
Stamp Act (1765) II:75, II:95
Stanford, Donald E. II:283
“Stanzas of the Soul” (St. John of the
Cross) II:126
Stanze (Poliziano) II:226–227
594 Cumulative Index