“The Garden Party” (Mansfield)
The Gardens of Toledo (Tirso de
Molina) II:287
Gargantua (Rabelais) II:238
The Garlic Ballads (Mo) III:297
Garn, Walid III:121
The Gates of Language Unlocked
(Comenius) II:59
Gaulle, Charles de III:278
Gauthier-Villars, Henri III:99
Gauthier-Villars, Henri III:99
Gautier, Théophile III:162–163, III:276
Gavidia, Francisco III:110
Gay, Delphine III:443
Gay, John II:278, II:280, III:61
The Gay Science (Nietzsche)
Gazette de Liège (periodical) III:401
“Gedicht” (“Poem”; Köhler) III:243
Gedichte (Poems; Huchel) III:211
Gedichte (Poems; Kaschnitz) III:236
Gefängnis-Tagebuch (Prison Diary;
Rinser) III:372
Gemara I:295–296
Gemmei (empress of Japan) I:160
gender studies III:143
Genealogies of the Pagan Gods
(Boccaccio) II:23
General Confession (Davies) III:112
The General History of Peru (Garcilaso
de la Vega) II:101
General History of the Indies (Las Casas)
General History of the Kingdom of Chile
(Rosales). See Historia general del
Reino de Chile
General History of the Order of Mercy
(Tirso de Molina) II:288
The General History of Virginia, New
England, and the Summer Isles
(Smith) II:273
The General in His Labyrinth (García
Marquez) III:162
General Natural History and Theory of
the Heavens (Kant) II:133
Generation of 1898 III:163
influences on III:347
members of III:39, III:227, III:268,
III:269, III:435–436
Generation of 1927 III:13
Generation of Coimbra III:363
Genesis of the Clowns (Harris) III:194
Genesis poem I:219
Genet, Jean III:164, III:389, III:425
The Genius of Christianity
(Chateaubriand) III:87
Gent, E. C. See Cook, Ebenezer
The Gentleman from San Francisco
(Bunin) III:70
Gentry, Francis I:211
Genuine Consistency (Nikolev) II:205
Geoffrey of Monmouth I:112
influence of I:219, II:171
influences on I:201
works by I:67, I:189, II:271
Geographical Relation of Tezcoco
(Pomar) I:209
Geographical Sketches (Strabo). See The
Geography (Strabo)
The Geography (Geographical Sketches;
Strabo) I:288
Georg Büchner (Reddick) III:68
Georg Büchner Prize
about III:68
winners of III:37, III:49, III:50,
III:83, III:128, III:134, III:154,
III:180, III:182, III:229, III:236,
III:304, III:451
George, Arthur I:278
George, Stefan III:113, III:165, III:207
George Circle III:165
George III (king of Great Britain)
American Revolution and II:75
in U.S. Declaration of
Independence II:123
“George Lamming’s In the Castle of My
Skin” (Ngugi) III:254
The Georgics (Simon) III:402
Georgics (Virgil) I:127, I:320–321, I:322
Georg Trakl Prize for Poetry III:9
Die gerettete Erde (The Saved Earth;
Burkart) III:70
Die Gerettete Zunge (The Rescued
Tongue; Canetti) III:75
German Academy for Language and
Literature III:229
German Academy of Arts III:180
German Epic Poetry (Gentry, ed.) I:211
Germania (Tacitus). See Concerning the
Origin and Location of the Germans
German literature
classical period of II:56
expressionism in III:138
sagas. See sagas
sonnets and II:274
through 13th century
14th through 18th centuries
through 13th century
I:115–116, I:123–125,
I:128–129, I:324, I:329–331
14th through 18th centuries
II:101–104, II:113–114,
II:132–134, II:137–138,
II:153–154, II:157–158,
II:165–166, II:183,
II:206–207, II:257–258,
II:260–261, II:261, II:286,
19th and 20th centuries
III:27, III:28, III:33, III:44,
III:48–49, III:54, III:60–61,
III:65–66, III:67, III:70–71,
III:75, III:82–83, III:122,
III:130–131, III:134–135,
III:140, III:146, III:149,
III:153–154, III:165,
III:169–171, III:179–181,
III:181–182, III:182–183,
III:192–193, III:195–197,
III:201, III:203,
III:207–208, III:209,
III:228–229, III:229–230,
III:232–233, III:236,
III:243, III:255–256,
III:257–258, III:280–282,
III:285, III:304–305,
III:316, III:323–325,
III:367–368, III:369–370,
III:371–372, III:379,
German romanticism II:101,
II:206–207, II:261, III:23, III:170,
III:181, III:201, III:206, III:374–375
German Roulette (Köhler). See
Deutsches Roulette
censorship in II:257, III:60,
III:196, III:201
humanist movement in II:30
Germany: A Winter’s Tale (Heine)
Germinal (Zola) III:462
Germinie Lacerteux (Goncourt and
Goncourt) III:175
Gerould, Gordon Hall II:84
Gertrude (Hesse) III:203
Gerusalemme Liberata (Tasso) II:6
Gesprach mit dem Saurier (Conversation
with a Dinosaur; Kirsch) III:242
Der Geteilte Himmel (The Divided
Heaven; Wolf) III:451
“Getting a Jump on Dragon Ball”
(Wyatt) II:309
Getting Married (Strindberg) III:416
Geziod II:105
Gha¯lib, Mirza¯ III:165–166, III:222
Ghana, literature of. See Ashanti tales
ghazal I:105, I:298, II:109, III:165–166,
Ghazali, al- I:33
Ghosh, Amitav III:166–167
Ghosts (Ibsen) III:217
Ghosts in the Mirror (Robbe-Grillet)
Gia Long (emperor of Vietnam) III:322
546 Cumulative Index