6.3 A formal treatment of negative numbers 67
authorized to make the final arithmetical operation that we ha d
practiced in primary school. At first we were told exactly what
kind of simplifica tion to do from one line to the next, then we could
do it in the order we found the most convenient.
It was a lot of effort and demanded good focus and systematic
application of rules b efore they began to be internalized.
And then after this time, she told us to consider, “as a con-
venient abbreviation”, a number without a sign + as a positive
number, and to treat an y minus sign in front of a parenthesis as
the “subtraction” or “minus” operation.
She then rewrote the rules in a more d irect and compact form
as the projected shadow of a more rigorous and explicit “real ity”
we had been experiencing for days.
We were (at least the few boys and girls I used to chat with)
so happy to write and treat now the same exercises quickly and
efficiently (and a little mindlessly or automatically ) that we felt
a little superior to our former selves and began to look a t compli-
cated expressions with a sense of familiarity.
When discussing this episode with a former schoolmate, say
ten years later whil e a t the University, I was shocked that the only
thing h e remembered about this is th at in math, they were chang-
ing rul es all the time. I told him that it was on the contrary a very
close simile to what was done in natural languages all the time:
you lea rned quick but not very correct or not very precise ways to
say things when speaking orally with your parents, friends and
radio, but you learned also in school a full and scholarly way of
saying the same thing in much longer form which could be ana-
lyzed with grammar and could be used for more varied purposes
than the quick and dirty way. We had learned years before to sub-
tract numbers as a converse of add ition and we had then learn in
high school a fuller story where the origin and quality of things
were more explicit, we learned of new distinctions that we did not
imagine before.
The se cond “new maths” story comes from Pierre Arnoux
My s tory goes back to the last year of high school (“terminale”).
We were studying modern maths, and the lecture of the day was
the construction of the relative integers (Z) from na tural (p ositive)
integers (N) by taking the cartesian product and factoring it by
an equi valence relation; that is, the classical construction of the
symmetrization of the commutative monoid.
We could follow, and understand, all the s teps in the construc-
tion, but the goal of the whol e exercise eluded us completely; what
were we doing? I think nobody in the class understood what was
going on. After the class, during the 10 minutes break, I went to
see the tea cher, and asked her what was the point of the construc-
tion: after all, we had known negative integers for years, and there
PA is male, French, a professor of mathematics in a French university.
Another story from him i s on Page 22.
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