104 9 Pedagogical Intermission:Di dactic Transformation
mostly in oral tradition. It is a small universe of its own, and
mathematicians’ pedagogical observations form an important part
thereof. Occasionally, these observ ations find their way to print.
But in general the collective pedagogical experience of univ ersity
mathematicians remains uncharted territory.
One also has to take into consideration cultural differen ces be-
tween various countries and various university systems.
In Britain, where I live and work, almost every course in uni-
versity mathematics departments and most mathematics courses
in service teaching are tailor made. This is different from the usual
practice, say, in American universities where courses in so-called
“precalculus” are frequently based o n standard mass print tex t-
books and can be taught to mixed—and large—audiences of math-
ematics and engineering m ajors.
My recent experience of close reading of three dozen final ex-
amination papers from a good Scottish university (in my ro le as an
external examiner) yet again remind ed me how much mathemati-
cal effort is invested in the developme nt of courses and the design
of examination problems—and how little of this effort is seen by
I argue that this hidden work of teachers is essentially a form of
mathematical research; it uses the same methods and is based on
the same value system. The d ifference is the form of ou tp ut; instead
of a peer reviewed academic p ublication (or a technical report for
the customer, as it is frequently the case in applied and industrial
mathematics) the output may take the form, say, of a detailed syl-
labus for a course which exposes classical theorems in an unusual
order, or just a page of lecture notes with a new treatment of a par-
ticular mathematical topic. The criter ion of success is the level of
students’ understanding, not ap proval by peers. The mathematical
problems solved by a lecturer in the process of course development
and conversion of mathematical mater ial into a form suitable for
teaching are far from g lamorous. They are not in the same league
as the Poincaré Conjecture or the Riemann Hypothesis; they are
more like (to give an example from my own pr actice)
“find a way to explain to your students orthogonal diagonaliza-
tion of quadratic forms without introducing the inner product
and without ever mentioning orthogonal matrices—but make sure
that the method works”.
As mathematical r esearch stands, this kind of work is perhaps
unambitious, but it is nevertheless mathematical problem solv-
ing made very challenging by severe restrictions on the mathe-
matical tools allowed. Why are mathe matics lectur ers readily en-
gaging in this taxing and time consuming work? Their motivation
comes mostly from various external factors, starting from time con-
straints to re quests to cover particular material from colle agues
who teach subsequent courses. One may wish to add to the list
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