8.2 Inductive l imit 89
The inductive limit of the direct system
N →
N if n divides m.
is, of course, the additive semigroup of positive rational numbers
. Fo r a child, this may look like a magic, as a story from Tony D.
I greatly l iked arithmetic at primary school. In my 3rd year (age
9/10, now more than 50 years ago), I had an inspirational teacher
(across all subjects) by the name of Miss Jesse (I think that’s the
correct spelling, b ut her name was pronounces ‘Jessie’). Among
other things she taught us fractions (it seems amazing now that
she taught us this, very successfully as far as I was concerned,
whereas I regularly see first year stu d ents of Science who are quite
unable to cope with these). My recollection is that she used di-
viding up a cake as her model for fractions (just as I have done
with many a student since!). Having established fractions in low-
est terms, she then went on to deal with canceling down, multi-
plication and division, and also addition and subtraction of frac-
tions with the same denominator. . . but addition and subtrac-
tion of fractions with distinct denominators were a mystery that
awaited us. Then we ha d a detour into highest common factors
(HCF) and lowest common multiples (LCM). Finally, she at last
explained how if you wanted, say, to do the addition 1/2 + 1/3, the
trick was to put each fraction over the LCM of the two denomi-
nators and then like magic, the problem had been reduced to an
earlier one, the problem of addition or subtraction of fractions with
the same denominator.
The point of this story was my reaction to that final explana-
tion. I can still remember my puzzlement before the explanation
as to how to one would deal with the problem of distinct denomi-
nators, and my really wanting to have the problem resolved. Then
once we had patiently (and in my case enjoyably) gone through the
detour of HCFs and LCMs, my pleasure and appreciation of the
cleverness (or so it seemed to me) of the resolution of the problem,
once the explanation was given.
Similarly, one may try to define multiplication on Q
using the
same inductive limit; I leave this construction of multiplication as
an exe r cise for the reader.
The definition of div ision o n Q
is much helped by the f act that
endomorphisms of the additive sem igroup Q
are invertible and
form a group ( the multiplicative group of positive rational numbers
) which acts on Q
simply transitively: for every non -zero r, s ∈
there exists a unique q ∈ Q
such that s = q · r.
ADG is male, British, has PhD in mathematics, teaches in a Scottish
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