112 10 Ca rrying: Cinderella of Arithmetic
My final comment is that although DW made a small, but im-
portant step towards deeper understanding of mathematics, this
step is no t necessarily visible in the usual mathematics education
framework. It is un likely that a school assignment will detect him
making this small step. Proce durally, in this small exe rcise DW
learned next to nothing—he had multiplied numbers and polyno-
mials before, and he will multiply them with the same speed after-
One sho uld not conclude, however, that the “procedu r al” aspect
of mathem atics is o f no importance. DW’s ability to do this tiny bit
of “conceptual” mathematics wou ld be impossible without him mas-
tering the standard routines (in this case, column multiplication of
decimals and addition and multiplication of polynomials).
10.3 Decimals and polynomials: an epiphany
DW’s words “10 is x” is a f ormulation of analogy between decimals
and polynomials which is not frequently emphasized in schools bu t,
when discovered by children on their own, is experienced as an
epiphany. This expr ession is taken from another childhood story,
by LW.
When I was in the fourth grade (ab out 9 years old) , we learned long
division. I had enormous difficulty learning the method, though I
could divide 3 and 4 digit numbers by 1–2 digit numbers in my
head. I don’t recall exactly how I did the divisions in my head,
though I susp ect that the method was similar to long division. I
recall that it was broadly based on “seeing how much I needed to
add to the result to move on.” However, I couldn’t seem to remem-
ber long division, despite being able to follow a list of instructions
on homework. My homework on long division took hours to finish.
I think the iss ue was that my teacher and parents never explained
why long division a ctu ally worked, so it seemed like a disconnected
list of steps that ha d little relation to one a nother. On a quiz, my
teacher thought I had cheated, since I had written no work on any
of the problems.
I only became able to do long division in high school when I
learned how to do long division with polynomials. At that time, the
teacher went to great pains to explain why it worked. While doing
a homework, I had an epip hany: long d ivision for polynomials was
a close cousin of long division for numbers. Suddenly I could d o
long division of numbers.
I now take pains when teaching calculus to try and explain
why formulas are true whenever possible. This has lead to mixed
LW was 9 years at the time of his story, he is male, learned mathemat-
ics in American English (his native tongue), currently is a second year
student in a PhD program in pure mathematics.
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