13.3 A dialogue with Peter McBride 135
13.3 A dialogue with Peter McB ride
The previous se c tio n first appeared as a post in my blog, and Peter
McBride responded to it with the following commen t:
The examples of student “errors” shown on the post you linked to
are, in f act, examples of the medieval-craft nature of pure math-
ematics, as noted 30 years ago by the computer scientist, Edsger
Dikstra. The discipl ine still has no systematic, agreed, industrial-
strength, notion of semantics: everything is still ad hoc. For in-
stance, in some cases it is correct to cancel the symbol “n” above
and below a fra ction line; in other cases ( when, for example, the
symbol “n” is embedded inside a “sine” function), it is not. Why
there is difference here is never explained, but bright students
somehow master it implicitly.
It is easy, very easy, for people who long ago mastered the un-
written and n on-formal semantics of pure mathematics to forget
how hard in fact this mastery is to acquire. For the rest of human-
ity, the lack of systematic treatment of the meaning and treatment
of apparently-random scratches on paper is part of what makes
the subject so difficult to learn.
And that was my response:
Dear Peter,
what is actually tau ght to children when we think that we
teach them mathematics?
An analogy with (much younger) children mastering their
mother tongue could be helpful : we do not teach kids grammar,
they somehow pick the gra mmar themselves. Moreover, it is li kely
to be a disaster to try to teach formal grammar to three or four
years old kids. The same is happening in mathematics: even at
the elementary (primary) school level, mathematics is saturated
with sophisticated structures and rules wh ich are not made ex-
plicit to children. Children have to somehow pick these rules
from their teachers’ talk and their textbooks. (Their teachers, as
a rule, also have no explicit knowledge.) However, “systematic,
agreed, industrial-strength, notion of semantics” (and lambda cal-
culus could be a useful fragment of such formalization) will not
help child ren. I am not even certain that it could help teachers.
It is of no use to most working mathematicians, either—because
mathematicians have been selected by their ability to pick and fol-
low unstated rules of formal systems and conditioned do not care
much about people who cannot follow “the rules of the game”.
But we have to understand the “atomic” (and frequently un-
spoken) structures an d procedures of mathematical cognition for
the sake of health of our profession and our professi onal commu-
nity. In effect, the problem as described by you is about relati ons
between the mathematical community and non-mathematicians.
Peter McBride:
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