38 4 History of Dimensional Analysis
by vary in g co nstrained space coordinates x and y which have di-
mension of length, while the constraint function g(x, y) has dimen-
sion of time and measures how much time it takes to get our system
into the state (position) (x, y)? What is the meaning of this dimen-
The correct answer: price. It is the sh adow price of mathemat-
ical economics: if everything is expressed in money (which are di-
mensionless because of their universality), and , with energy priced
at the current market rate, λ gets the dimension
of the price of unit of time. And this is indeed price. Assume that
you have to hire an hourly paid w orkers, and that it takes him
g(x, y) man-hours to tune up your energy-producing installation up
to the state (x, y) at which point the installation will pr oduce your
a certain amount of energy which y ou sell for f (x, y) dollars. Yo u
have limited funds c, hence you are co nstrained by equation
g(x, y) = c.
But assume you got an extra dollar to invest; then the shadow price
λ tells you how much you have to be pr epared to pay for extra work-
ers. If you hire new workers at hour ly rate below λ, you will in-
crease your profit; if you have to pay more than λ, e xpansion of the
work force lead s to decline in your profit.
Disturbingly, when I started to type in into GOOGLE:
money is the measure . . .
GOOGLE automatically suggested to continue the phrase as
money is the measure of success.
Well, there is some mathematical justification for this bland tru-
ism. Alas, the greatest flaw of mathematics as a c ultural system is
that it is morally neutral.
Pythagorean Theore m
Exercise 4.1 Alexander Givental [186] poin ts to a relatively unknown
It turns out that Book VI of the Elements contains a generaliza-
tion of the Pythagorean theorem that seems much less famous.
Namely, Euclid VI.31 asserts (see Figure 4.5) that A + B = C for
the areas A, B and C of similar figures of any sh ape built on the
sides of a right tria ngle. The Pythagorean theorem is clearly the
special case where the shape is the sq uare.
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