4.1 Gali leo Galilei 29
“Now, because mechanics has its foundation in geometry, where
mere size cuts no figure, I do not see that the properties of cir-
cles, triangles, cylinders, cones and other solid fi gures will change
with their size. If therefore a large machine be constructed in such
a way that its parts bear to one another the sa me ratio as in a
smaller one, and if the smaller is sufficiently strong for the pur-
pose for which it was d es igned, I do not see why the larger also
should not be [sufficiently strong] . . . ”
Sagredo clearly formulates the principle that geometric proper-
ties are invariant under scaling transformations, and he wants to
understand why this invariance is broken in the real world. The
answer is proposed by Salviati:
“. . . these forces, resistances, moments, figures, etc. may be consid-
ered in the abstract, dissociated from matter, or in the concrete,
associated with matter. Hence the properties which belong to fig-
ures th at are merely geometrical and nonmaterial must be modi-
fied when we fill these figu res with matter a nd therefore give them
In modern parlance, change of pro perties results in a change
of the group of permitted transfor mations and breaks scale in vari-
ance, but the new theory still allows a development in terms of
invariants. Salviati continues:
“Since I assume matter to be unchangeable and always the same,
it is clear that we are no less able to treat this constant and invari-
able property in a rigid manner than if it belonged to simple and
pure mathematics.”
Galileo then uses these general principles, for example, to e x-
plain why smaller objects fall more slowly than big ones: their
area varies as the square of linear dimension, while their weight
varies as the cube of linear dimension, and therefore for smaller
objects surface forces—such as air drag—become more significant
compared to the force of weig ht.
He conside rs ho w fibrous materials, like wood beams, break un-
der their weight an d makes a now famous rem ark that if we scale
an animal up, its bones should become thicker and thicker in com-
parison with their length. We shall return to the discussion of this
in the exercises.
The reader who wants to learn more about how Galileo’s ideas
continue to live in ph ysics can find a concise and clear outline of
the modern understanding o f dimensional analysis in a beautiful
little book by Yuri Manin [59].
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