3.3 History 23
Had the manipulations with units of measurement that I did aged
11 actually been done in history of arithmetic? Are there traces of
them in historic sources?
In response, Roy Wagner wrote to me that there were solution
“algorithms” from the abacist textbooks co ncerning travel problems
that could be reconstructed as similar to the one that I considered,
and sent me his rough literal translation of Problem 108 fro m Paolo
dell’Abbaco’s (1282 – 1374), Trattato d’aritmetica:
From here to Florence is 60 miles, and there’s one who walks it in
8 days, and another in 5 days.
It is asked: Departing at the same time, one from here and the
other from there, in how many days will they meet?
Do the foll owing: multiply 5 by 8, makes 40, and say thus: in
40 days one will make the trip 8 ti mes, and the other 5 times, so
both together will make it 13 times.
Now say: if 40 days equal 13 tri p s, for one trip how many days
will it have?
And so multiply 1 times 40, makes 40, and divide this 40 by
13, which makes 3 days and 1/3 of a day; and so I say that in 3
days and 1/3 of a day they will find themselves together.
And this is done, so all similar problems are done.
It is a very interesting solution, since it is based on introd uction
of a convenient dimensio nless u nit, a trip. For abacists who liv ed in
a strictly regimented traditional society, it was psychologically dif-
ficult to move away from established units of m easurement. Notice
that the problem starts with declaring the distance “from here to
Florence”, 60 miles, but this datum is not used in the solution, and
the wor d “mile” does not appear in the solution.
Albrecht Heeffe r wrote to me with further examples:
To answer your question, is this mechanism of an arti ficial unit
been done in the history of algebra? Yes ind eed, if have found it in
several abbaco manuscripts, and it functions as an intermediate
unknown is some sens e. I have seen it used in problems for finding
three numbers, a, b and c in geometrical progression, given some
extra conditions. The “cosa” or un kn own is used for, let us say, the
largest numb er, c. Then one supp os es th at the smaller, a is 1. This
allows to derive that c = b
and hence to d erive a value for b and
c. In the las t stage, the value of a is derived to meet the extra
Again, it appe ars that the artificial unit is dimen sionless.
To freely use arbitrary, m ade on-the-fly units of measurement,
one has to be conditioned in a cultural relativism. The latter was a
relatively late phenomenon of the human civilization, and Flaubert
was one of its proponents in the literature.
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