48 5 Adding One by One
“Can I prove it?” and asked my father, who had a PhD in chem-
istry. He confirmed that the odd numbers were indeed correct a nd
mentioned algebra. I wondered how can he know and ca n I prove
it? I think I thought in terms of a proof based on counters; I did not
know my addition ta bles and certain ly n ot my multiplication ta -
bles, and performed the additions by counting, mai nly in my head
but possibly also using my fingers. I did not properly formulate
a proof b ased on counters until grown up, as I later h ad algebra
that made the result obvious an yway. A proof bas ed on counters is
quite easy and possibly I got near to it at the time.
Perhaps I did not continue thinking about the matter to the
point of constructing a proof because I became aware of the ques-
tion, “Even if I get a proof, how will I know the proof is correct?”
This question bothered me. I think I was aged four at the time,
coming up to fi ve, just after the Second World War was ended.
Roy Roberts’s story mentions further interesting insights:
The point at the top of the trian gle denoted zero zeroes added to-
gether. The symbol “0” would not have been correct and I had a
little difficulty deciding what I should put at the top.
Evidently I understood zero. At some point, probably earlier
than the research, I had discovered that you can continue countin g
forever, using the usual representation of numbers if one ran out
of names.
Roy Roberts mentioned “a proof based on counters” for the for-
1 + 3 + 5 + ··· + (2n + 1) = (n + 1)
(where, we have to remember, (n + 1)
means “n + 1 adde d with
itself n + 1 times”). He added an explanation:
In order to subtract a square number from the next in sequence,
think of a square array of counters for the larger and remove a
square array for the smaller, necessarily based in a corner. The re-
sult is an “L” s hape of counters with the two legs of the “L” of equal
length. This clearly generates the odd numbers but to see this just
repeat the above argument, remove from the “L” the smaller “L” in
sequence and the result is two separate counters, hence generat-
ing the odd numbers.
We can also easily see that this proof is an oral description of
the famous visual p r oof; see Figure 5.2. It is a pity that the picture
was not shown to 4 years old Roy.
It is wort noticing that a pro of of formula (5.1) by mathematical
induction is interesting for historic reasons: it appears to be a very
first proof in print based on explicitly formulated principle of math-
ematical induction. It was done by Aug ustus De Morgan in 1838 in
a article in The Penny Cyclopedia of the Society for the Diffusio n of
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