38 1 Gas Ionization by Charged Particles and by Laser Rays
1.3 Gas Ionization by Laser Rays
The light of a narrow pulsed laser beam that traverses a volume of gas, under
favourable conditions, is capable of ionizing the gas in the beam so that it imitates
a straight particle track. For this to occur, there must be some ionizable molecules
in the gas, and the energy density must be sufficiently high, depending on the wave-
length. In practice, a small nitrogen laser, emitting pulses of 10
W on a few square
millimetres at λ = 337nm, may be sufficient in an ordinary chamber gas that has not
been especially cleansed and therefore contains suitable molecules in some low con-
centration. This technique has the obvious advantage of producing identical tracks
in the same place. Therefore, by taking repeated measurements of the same coor-
dinate, one may form the average, which can be made almost free from statistical
variations, if only the number of repeated measurements is made large enough. In
practice 100 shots are usually sufficient. The technique has been widely used ever
since its first application in 1979 [AND 79].
Chemical compounds used for laser ionization are discussed in Sect. 12.4.
1.3.1 The nth Order Cross-Section Equivalent
The quantum energy of laser light in the visible and the near ultraviolet is much
lower than the ionization energies of molecules. It takes two or more such laser
photons to ionize the organic molecules present in the chamber gas. Multiphoton
ionization processes involving 11 photons have been observed in xenon (see the
review by Lambropoulos [LAM 76]). For the ionization of a molecule to occur, the
n photons have to be incident on the molecule during the lifetime of the intermediate
states. Then the ionization rate varies the nth power of the photon flux because
the photons act incoherently in the gas. The probability of n photons arriving in
a given time interval is equal to the nth power of the probability of each one of
them, and is therefore proportional to the nth power of the photon flux
concept of ‘cross-section’
describes one-particle collision rates in units of cm
we have an ‘nth-order cross-section equivalent’
for n-particle collisions in units
of cm
.InavolumeV containing a density N of molecules, the ionization rate
R is therefore given by the expression
R =
. (1.75)
In fact, n-photon ionization is most easily identified by a measurement of R as a
function of
A light pulse with cross-sectional area A and duration T contains m photons if
the flux
and the energy E are given by
= m/(AT ),
E = mh
= mhc/λ.