by advertising. These are augmented in some areas by community
newspapers, sometimes run by volunteers, but sometimes in-
spired by the local authority. The freesheets will often have much
less editorial material than the paid-for newspapers; compared to
the 45–55 per cent editorial material of a typical paid-for news-
paper, a freesheet may have just 10 per cent editorial, or less.
Local newspapers have very small editorial teams, and even on
a paid-for newspaper an editorial staff of six or less is not
uncommon. Staffing levels on the freesheets are lower still. While
some of the journalists may be able to develop a specialisation, the
usual practice is for them to tackle any story which demands atten-
tion. In a typical example, on one of the larger and better-staffed
local newspapers, a reporter who wanted to develop as a sports
reporter was encouraged to do so, but also had to cover a partic-
ular district within the paper‘s circulation area.
Local newspapers place a great reliance on a network of unpaid
contributors, who provide news of local events and organisations,
and sometimes will even write about a pet interest, such as nature
notes or country walks.
Most journalists feel that the great national daily newspapers are
the most important. In one sense this is true. A report or an inter-
view in the Wall Street Journal may be mentioned in a newspaper or
in a broadcast news or current affairs programme. Abroad, over-
seas broadcasters might refer to the London Times or the London
Financial Times. They would not refer to the Hobbiton Weekly
Advertiser. On the other hand, many members of the public pay
more attention to their local newspapers than to national newspa-
pers and, of course, the local newspaper will often remain in the
home all week, until it is replaced by the following week’s issue.
The Press Association (PA) and Reuters are the major press agen-
cies based in the UK. The PA was founded to provide a service to
Britain’s newspapers, and was at one time owned by many of
them. Traditionally, the PA has been more concerned with UK
news and Reuters with international news.
There are two other types of press agency which it is important
to be aware of. The first of these is the locally based press or news
agency, which provides cover in an area for any newspaper
What: newspapers and periodicals