digital broadcasting/television 35–36
availability of channels 35
ending of analogue service 35
Direct Broadcasting by Satellite 32 see also
satellite television
directories, media 53
Dow Jones Interactive (press coverage)
down-the-line 128–29, 135–36
Dyke, Greg 23, 29
e-mail 36, 74
Echo Research 42
editorial integrity 64
Elias, Julias (Lord Southwood) 10
MacKenzie, Kelvin 21
as useful contacts 131
embargoes 75, 80, 88
ethics and privacy 19–23 see also France;
Germany and United States of
America (USA)
Calcutt Committee (1990) 19–20, 21–22
Hutton enquiry 23
Independent Broadcasting Authority
(IBA) Act (1973) 19
Neill Committee 22
Nolan Committee 22
Press Complaints Commission 22
privacy of individual(s) 21–22
Private Members’ Bills 21
regulation 21–23
Royal Charter, BBC 19
Europe: broadcasting/press in see media
evaluation see media evaluation
Evening Standard 10
Express, The 6, 10
Fahrenheit 9/11 21
Fair Trading, Office of 26
Fairchild, M 43
features 68–69, 76–77 see also
photographs and PR features
advertising, as vehicle for 68
handling journalists’ enquiries 76–77
freelance writers 68
ghosts/ghosting 68, 77
interviews 68
newspapers, regional and local 68
PR-generated material 69
product-testing 68
think pieces 68
Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) 13 see also United States of
America (USA)
Financial Times 6, 13, 49, 51
flaming 37 see also internet
Fleet Street, demise of 11
computer typesetting, cost of 11
losses 11
new technology 11
print unions, power of 11
restrictive practices 11
Flight International 53, 54
France 6, 7–8, 11–12, 20, 34
ARTE: French/German collaboration 8
cable television 34
High Audiovisual Council 34
media concentration protests 12
media ownership rules 12
news, control of radio and television
7–8, 20
newspapers 6
Press Law (1881) 6
radio 7
Socpresse 12
television channels 8
franchise(s) see also broadcasting in the UK
and television companies
bidding system 25–26
consequences for BBC 29–30
future of ITV 27–28
ITV 25–26, 27–28
lobbying campaigns 27
PR in franchise battle 26
press coverage 27
public relations future in ITV 28
quality threshold 29
Royal Charter, BBC 26, 29–30
Freeview 32
Germany 6–7, 12
Basic Law (1945) 8, 20
expansion into Central and Eastern
Europe 12
foreign investment 12
Hugenberg, Alfred 7
media concentration, fear of 12
Nazi control 7
ownership, press 6–7, 12
post-WWII press/broadcasting 7
radio stations 8
satellite stations 8
Statutes Movement 20
television channels 8
ghosts/ghosting 68, 77
Glasgow Media Unit 22
Google 36
Green Paper (1995) 13
Grocer, The 53, 54
Guardian, The 6, 13, 50