11. It does not take much imagination to convert a simple reas-
surance about a waste-burning unit into an image in the
viewer’s mind of a pile of chicken feathers a mile high. Yet it
doubles the impact.
12. ‘And while we’re on the subject of the waste-burner’, Winner
says in effect: ‘Look at all the goodies you are going to get out
of my factory.’ His plug for chicken paste does not really have
much to do with the waste-burner, but it only takes a few
words to link the two.
13. Here is a good example of an analogy. Gone are the 120,000
cubic feet and in their place are half a dozen domestic chim-
neys – which the viewer can picture at once.
14. It has taken a couple of minutes for Winner to have a chance
to get his key point in, but he is not going to let it go. Again,
he uses the question as a bridge. If he merely answers the
question ‘How long is it going to take to build?’, he will never
demonstrate the boost he is giving to employment in the
region. The technique is essential and simple, but it requires
constant practice. Also, make sure that you do actually
answer the question before moving on to your agenda – you
are not a politician!
15. Winner smells obvious trouble in the question about the
builders. It can only be trouble as there is no other reason for
asking a question like that. So he sidesteps it, if a little crudely,
and gets on with another plug. But this time it does not work.
It is a reasonable attempt to evade the question, and he has
gained some thinking time, but he realises that Sharp is not
going to let this one go in a hurry.
16. So this time he says who the builders are, but quickly
explains, honestly and rationally, the reason for the choice.
Note his initial response: in fact he does not know any
more about the local construction scene than he did in the
first interview, but ‘It has everywhere, I’m afraid’ shows
much more apparent understanding and sympathy than ‘Has
17. Now he is painting a picture for the viewer again and
starting, in effect, to describe what his new plant will look
18. Sharp has interrupted again, but she also happens to be
changing the subject, which is just what Winner wants. So this
time he lets her.
How: winning the interview