services and there is a major accident (even to a ship belonging to a
competitor) on the previous day, safety instantly comes to the top
of the agenda. If there is a major crisis, routine interviews have to
be cancelled while the chief executive combats the crisis and fronts
a major press conference.
It is important that all press interviews for management and for
directors of any organisation have a press officer present. The more
senior the individual being interviewed, the more senior the public
relations person should be: if it is necessary to intervene, this
requires fine judgement and confidence.
The interview can act as a briefing for the public relations func-
tion, which is brought up to date on developments and on the
organisation’s policies and how far it is prepared to commit itself
publicly, on or off the record. This makes it easier for the public
relations function to comment instantly when the question arises
Senior people may not know what is going on at the sharp end
and the public relations person might have this information to
hand, or can undertake to provide this and any other information
that the journalist requires.
If there is disagreement over what was and was not said, the
public relations practitioner can remind people what was said
when they dispute what appears in print. Usually, such disputes
are not worth bothering over.
It should be found out in advance not only the reason for the
interview, but whether or not the journalist is familiar with the
organisation. It can be useful building in time for a preliminary
conversation and having background material ready so that the
journalist can be brought up to date on developments.
Press conferences are ideal for events or announcements of major
importance. They are not for trivial matters, and once anyone has
acquired the reputation of calling a press conference without real
justification for it, they will find that attendance dwindles. These
events are not for the vanity of directors or senior management,
they are for the press.
Press conferences have the advantage of enabling journalists to
question senior management or directors on major announce-
How: talking to the press