Three-phase induction motors 403
load current, due to the motor acting like a transformer with secondary
short circuited. In problem 11, for example, the current at starting was
nearly three times the full load current.
A wound-rotor induction motor would follow characteristic P when
the slip-rings are short-circuited, which is the normal running condition.
However, the slip-rings allow for the addition of resistance to the rotor
circuit externally and, as a result, for starting, the motor can have a char-
acteristic similar to curve Q in Figure 22.9 and the high starting current
experienced by the cage induction motor can be overcome.
In general, for three-phase induction motors, the power factor is usually
between about 0.8 and 0.9 lagging, and the full load efficiency is usually
about 80–90%.
From equation (22.12), it is seen that torque is proportional to the
square of the supply voltage. Any voltage variations therefore would seri-
ously affect the induction motor performance.
22.13 Starting methods
for induction motors
Squirrel-cage rotor
(i) Direct-on-line starting
With this method, starting current is high and may cause interfer-
ence with supplies to other consumers.
(ii) Auto transformer starting
With this method, an auto transformer is used to reduce
the stator voltage, E
, and thus the starting current (see
equation (22.7)). However, the starting torque is seriously reduced
(see equation (22.12)), so the voltage is reduced only sufficiently
to give the required reduction of the starting current. A typical
arrangement is shown in Figure 22.11. A double-throw switch
connects the auto transformer in circuit for starting, and when the
motor is up to speed the switch is moved to the run position which
connects the supply directly to the motor.
(iii) Star-delta starting
With this method, for starting, the connections to the stator phase
winding are star-connected, so that the voltage across each phase
Figure 22.11