D.c. transients 277
5 When a 3 µF charged capacitor is connected to a resistor, the voltage
falls by 70% in 3.9 s. Determine the value of the resistor.
[1.08 M]
µF uncharged capacitor is connected in series with a 1 k
resistor and the circuit is switched to a 100 V, d.c. supply. Determine:
(a) the initial current flowing in the circuit,
(b) the time constant,
(c) the value of current when t is 50 ms and
(d) the voltage across the resistor 60 ms after closing the switch.
[(a) 0.1 A (b) 50 ms (c) 36.8 mA (d) 30.1 V]
7 An uncharged 5
µF capacitor is connected in series with a 30 k
resistor across a 110 V, d.c. supply. Determine the time constant of
the circuit and the initial charging current. Use a graphical method
to draw the current/time characteristic of the circuit and hence deter-
mine the current flowing 120 ms after connecting to the supply.
[150 ms, 3.67 mA, 1.65 mA]
8 An uncharged 80
µF capacitor is connected in series with a 1 k
resistor and is switched across a 110 V supply. Determine the time
constant of the circuit and the initial value of current flowing. Derive
graphically the current/time characteristic for the transient condition
and hence determine the value of current flowing after (a) 40 ms and
(b) 80 ms. [80 ms, 0.11 A (a) 66.7 mA (b) 40.5 mA]
Transients in series connected L–R circuits
9 A coil has an inductance of 1.2 H and a resistance of 40 and is
connected to a 200 V, d.c. supply. Draw the current/time charac-
teristic and hence determine the approximate value of the current
flowing 60 ms after connecting the coil to the supply. [4.3 A]
10 A 25 V d.c. supply is connected to a coil of inductance 1 H and resis-
tance 5 . Use a graphical method to draw the exponential growth
curve of current and hence determine the approximate value of the
current flowing 100 ms after being connected to the supply. [2 A]
11 An inductor has a resistance of 20 and an inductance of 4 H.
It is connected to a 50 V d.c. supply. By drawing the appropriate
characteristic find (a) the approximate value of current flowing after
0.1 s and (b) the time for the current to grow to 1.5 A.
[(a) 1 A (b) 0.18 s]
12 The field winding of a 200 V d.c. machine has a resistance of 20
and an inductance of 500 mH. Calculate:
(a) the time constant of the field winding,
(b) the value of current flow one time constant after being
connected to the supply, and
(c) the current flowing 50 ms after the supply has been switched
on. [(a) 25 ms (b) 6.32 A (c) 8.65 A]