D.c. transients 273
Problem 10. The field winding of a 110 V, d.c. motor has a resis-
tance of 15 and a time constant of 2 s. Determine the inductance
and use the tangential method to draw the current/time characteristic
when the supply is removed and replaced by a shorting link. From
the characteristic determine (a) the current flowing in the winding
3 s after being shorted-out and (b) the time for the current to decay
to 5 A.
Since the time constant, D
i.e. inductance L D 15 ð2 D 30 H
The current/time characteristic is constructed in a similar way to that used
in Problem 1.
(i) The scales should span at least five time constants horizontally, i.e.
10 s, and I D V/R D 110/15 D 7.
3 A vertically.
(ii) With reference to Figure 17.13, the initial slope is obtained by
making OB equal to 1 time constant, (2 s), and joining AB.
(iii) At, say, i D 6 A, let C be the point on AB corresponding to a
current of 6 A. Make DE equal to 1 time constant, (2 s), and join
(iv) Repeat the procedure given in (iii) for current values of, say, 4 A,
2 A and 1 A, giving points F, G and H.
(v) Point J is at five time constants, when the value of current is zero.
Figure 17.13
(vi) Join points A, C, F, G, H and J with a smooth curve. This curve is
the current/time characteristic.
(a) From the current/time characteristic, when t D 3s,i D 1.5 A. [This
may be checked by calculation using i D Ie
, where I D 7.
t D 3and D 2, giving i D 1.64 A.] The discrepancy between the
two results is due to relatively few values, such as C, F, G and H,
being taken.
(b) From the characteristic, when i D 5A,t
= 0.70 s. [This may be
checked by calculation using i D Ie
, where i D 5, I D 7.
3, D
2, giving t D 0.766 s.] Again, the discrepancy between the graph-
ical and calculated values is due to relatively few values such as C,
F, G and H being taken.
Problem 11. A coil having an inductance of 6 H and a resistance
of Ris connected in series with a resistor of 10 to a 120 V,
d.c. supply. The time constant of the circuit is 300 ms. When
steady-state conditions have been reached, the supply is replaced
instantaneously by a short-circuit. Determine: (a) the resistance of
the coil,(b) the current flowing in the circuit one second after the
shorting link has been placed in the circuit, and (c) the time taken
for the current to fall to 10% of its initial value.