18 Nanoscale Boundary Lubrication Studies 965
on clean Si(100) surfaces. They found that the thickness measured by AFM is
thicker than that measured by ellipsometry, with the offset ranging from 3–5nm.
They found that the offset was the same for very thin submonolayer coverages. If
the coverage is submonolayer and inadequate to make a liquid film, the relevant
thickness is then the height (h
) of the molecules extended above the solid sur-
face. The offset should be equal to 2h
, assuming that the molecules extend the
same height above both the tip and silicon surfaces. They therefore concluded that
the molecules do not extend more than 1.5–2.5nm above a solid or liquid surface,
much smaller than the radius of gyration of the lubricants, which ranges between
3.2and7.3nm, and to the approximate cross-sectional diameter of 0.6–0.7nmfor
the linear polymer chain. Consequently, the height that the molecules extend above
the surface is considerably less than the diameter of gyration of the molecules and
only a few molecular diameters in height, implying that the physisorbed molecules
on a solid surface have an extended, flat conformation. They also determined the
disjoining pressure of these liquid films from AFM measurements of the distance
needed to break the liquid meniscus that forms between the solid surface and the
AFM tip. (Also see [7].) For a monolayer thickness of about 0.7nm, the disjoining
pressure is about 5 MPa, indicating strong attractive interaction between the liquid
molecules and the solid surface. The disjoining pressure decreases with increasing
film thickness in a manner consistent with a strong attractive van der Waals interac-
tion between the liquid molecules and the solid surface.
Rheological characterization shows that the flow activation energy of PFPE lu-
bricants is weakly dependent on chain length and is strongly dependenton the func-
tional end groups [25]. PFPE lubricant films that contain polar end groups have
lowermobility than thosewith nonpolarend groupsof similar chainlength [26]. The
mobility of PFPE also depends on the surface chemical properties of the substrate.
The spreading of Z-DOL on amorphous carbon surface has been studied as a func-
tion of hydrogen or nitrogen content in the carbon film, using scanning microel-
lipsometry [24]. The diffusion coefficient data presented in Fig. 18.5 is thickness-
dependent. It shows that the surface mobility of Z-DOL increased as the hydrogen
content increased, but decreased as nitrogen content increased. The enhancement
of Z-DOL surface mobility by hydrogenation may be understood from the fact that
the interactions between Z-DOL molecules and the carbon surface can be signif-
icantly weakened, due to a reduction of the number of high-energy binding sites
on the carbon surface. The stronger interactions between the Z-DOL molecules and
carbon surface, as the nitrogen content in the carbon coating increases, leads to the
lowering of Z-DOL surface mobility.
Molecularly thick films may be sheared at very high shear rates, on the order of
during sliding, such as during magnetic disk drive operation. During
such shear, lubricant stability is critical to the protection of the interface. For proper
lubricant selection, viscosity at high shear rates and associated shear thinning need
to be understood. Viscosity measurements of eight different types of PFPE films
show that all eight lubricants display Newtonian behavior and their viscosity re-
mains constant at shear rates up to 10